
Body and Gender in Church History

Questions concerning body and gender have been widely discussed in both academia and the Church in recent decades. Historically, these questions have been closely interwoven. This course gives an overview of these themes in theology and in the life of the Church, including questions such as: To what extent can the Christian tradition be described as being hostile to the body or sex? How has femininity and masculinity been constructed in the history of the Church? In addition, views concerning celibacy, marriage, homosexuality and female religious leadership are examined by studying how these matters were approached throughout the history of the Church.

The course literature may be subject to revision.

Brown, Peter, 2008 [1990]. The Body and Society. Men, Women and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity. New York: Columbia Press University. (400 pp.)

The Catholic Women Speak Network (ed). 2015. Catholic Women Speak. Bringing our Gifts to the Table, 2015. New York: Aulis (contains 40 pp. required reading) Available as e-book.

Rogers, Eugene F. (ed.), 2002. Theology and Sexuality: Classic and Contemporary Readings. Malden: Blackwell Publishers. (contains 250 pp. required reading)

Hall, Donald E. (ed.) (1994) Muscular Christianity: embodying the Victorian Age (Cambridge studies in nineteenth-century literature and culture 2), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (contains 30 pp. required reading)

Ranft, Patricia, 1998. Women and Spiritual Equality in the Christian Tradition. Basingstoke: Macmillan. (200 pp.)

Literature last revised on May 22, 2019.

The schedule is available at the latest one month before the course starts. We do not recommend that you print the schedule as some changes may happen.

Open the Schedule

Hanna Stenström

Docent, senior lecturer, priest


A = Excellent, B = Very good, C = Good, D = Satisfactory, E = Sufficient, Fx = Insufficient, F = Insufficient

Examination Format

  • Papers
  • Seminars

Grundläggande behörighet.
Kurser i teologi 60 hp: Baskurser 30 hp samt kurserna Text, kontext och tolkning 15 hp och Teologi, religion och kyrka i Sverige 15 hp, eller motsvarande.

För fullgjord kurs krävs minst 80% närvaro vid föreläsningar och 100% närvaro vid seminarier/gruppövningar och andra tillfällen för redovisning. Frånvaro därutöver kan kompenseras genom kompletteringsuppgift (-er) om kursansvarig lärare bedömer det möjligt. Vid frånvaro om 50 % eller mer betraktas kursen som avbruten, även om examinationsuppgifter har genomförts.

Established by Subject Representative College at Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm on December 20, 2011.

Last revised on February 22, 2017.