
There are buses from Brommaplan to Åkeshovsvägen which is the nearest stop. On average it takes 8-10 minutes to walk from Brommaplan to EHS.
You can search SL’s timetable here

If you are travelling by public transport, take the metro to Brommaplan. When you come out of the station turn left onto Drottningholmsvägen. The first crossroads is called Åkeshovsvägen. If you turn right at the intersection you will see EHS on the other side of the road.

From Brommaplan you can also take one of the buses that goes towards Ekerö. Get off at the first stop called Åkeshovsvägen. Please note that not all buses stop at Åkeshovsvägen.

If you take the car, go to Brommaplan, turn off towards Drottningsholm and turn right at Åkeshovsvägen. Directly to the left is EHS.

Aerial photo showing location of EHS and path for transport services and taxis to the main entrance (pdf).


Parking discs are valid in EHS’s car parks. You can stay up to 2 hours in the car parks. There is also a paid car park next to EHS.