Policies and regulations
Address details
Any change of name and address is automatically retrieved from the national name and address register held by the Swedish Tax Office. If you want to use an address other than the address registered there, or change your telephone or e-mail address, you can do this yourself by logging into https://ehs.se/eduladok. If you cannot log in to Ladok, you should notify kursadministrator@ehs.se of the changes to your contact details.
Personal data processing – students
University College Stockholm (EHS) processes personal data in accordance with Swedish law. When you have your personal data registered or otherwise processed, you are entitled to certain information. Read more here (in swedish)
Make sure that messages from EHS do not end up in spam. You should be able to find “Spam settings” or something similar in the settings.
If you have an address that does not allow unlimited number of messages (eg hotmail), it is important that you regularly empty your mailbox so that messages are processed.
It is incumbent on the student to notify any change of e-mail address to the EHS administration: kursadministrator@ehs.se
State universities have accident insurance for their students via the Kammarkollegiet, but unfortunately, as an independent university, we cannot take out such insurance. So you as a student need to make sure that you have accident insurance so that you are protected in case of accidents.
Copyright policy
- Sound recording, photography and filming in teaching situations are allowed. You should let the teacher know about your intention to record or film before the lecture.
- The teacher has the right to explicitly prohibit recording during the teaching session if they believe that recording would interfere with the teaching activity. Such a prohibition must be justified. Any student who is participating in the teaching situation has the right to ask the teacher to prohibit recording.
- Students with disabilities, who have received a decision on support measures by the university’s coordinator for students with disabilities due to the disability, are not covered by these rules.
- Permission to film or record does not imply that such recordings may be disseminated or made available in a manner contrary to the Copyright (literary and artistic) law (1960: 729), or any other law. The student is only entitled to use the recording for his or her own private use.
- These rules do not affect the university’s ability to record, photograph and film lectures and other teaching situations as part of the university’s activities.