
Degree certificate, other certificates, and credit transfer

Below follows information about the degree certificate, how to apply for it, how to obtain other certificates and about credit transfer. Important information for you as a student, and for employers/recruiters about verifying a degree certificate, is further down this page.

Transcript of records and other certificates

If you are a registered student on courses or programs and have obtained login information, you can log in to Ladok and print your own transcript of records. Transcripts of records from autumn 2007 onwards are primarily retrieved directly from Ladok.

If you need a specific certificate, for example relating to courses from 2007 or earlier that are not in Ladok, or you do not have access to Ladok because you do not have a Swedish social security number or have a protected identity, you can order a printout of the certificate by sending an email to kursadministrator@ehs.se.

Declaration of enrollment to CSN

The declaration of enrollment is submitted via the CSN website.

If CSN explicitly requests that you submit the declaration of enrollment on paper with a signature and stamp from the school, contact the course administrator at kursadministrator@ehs.se.

Degree certificate, diploma supplement and Appendix 2

The degree certificate is issued free of charge at your request, when you have completed your studies. The degree certificate is a document written in both Swedish and English. It shows the title of your degree (for example “Bachelor of Human rights”), who holds the degree, courses included and the dates they were finished. No overall grade or GPA is given. The diploma is dated with the date when the degree was issued.

The names shown in Ladok are the ones that will be used in your degree certificate.

Please note: If you have a specific first name marked in the Swedish population registry only that first name will show in Ladok. You need to contact the Swedish population registry to remove the specific first name marking if you want all your first names in the degree certificate. Please ensure also that your names, date of birth/personal identity number and e-mail address are correct in Ladok. 

If you need to update your contact information in Ladok do it in the following way:

There is also an appendix called the diploma supplement (DS). The diploma supplement is written in English and describes the nature, level and content of your education and its place in the Swedish education system. This document promotes the academic recognition and international comparability of your degree, thereby facilitating mobility for either postgraduate studies or employment. 

Please note that you can only receive the original degree certificate once and that you cannot apply for a diploma supplement separately.

The appendix 2 is a document that explains the Swedish Higher Education System in English. Please note. Degree Certificates issued from 1st January 2024 does not have Appendix 2. The information is included in Appendix 1 Diploma supplement under point 8. Here you can read the whole document appendix 2.

Levels and degrees

There are three levels, cycles, of higher education and the degrees awarded follow the same level. The degrees you can obtain at UCS follow the same levels and degrees.

  • First cycle: Higher Education Diploma (120 credits), Bachelor’s degree (180 credits)
  • Second cycle: Master of Arts/Science (60 credits), Master of Arts/Science (120 credits)
  • Third cycle: Doctor (PhD) (240 credits)

Processing time

The processing time is usually no longer than 8 weeks. You need to have completed all courses that are to be included in the degree and you application must be accurate and complete. Otherwise, we cannot start processing it.

Online application through Ladok

As of 1st January 2024 UCS will issue digital degree certificates. You download the certificate as a PDF file in Ladok. Previous degree certificates will not be replaced by a digital version.

Important points before applying:

  • Courses that are to be included in a degree shall as a rule be fully completed with a passing grade.
  • A transfer of credits can be issued if the module is equivalent to another whole course. For more information contact the director of studies.
  • Check that all the results have been registered in Ladok and that the courses have been given a final grade. If anything is missing, contact the director of studies.
  • Please check the transcript for misspellings of your name. If there is an error, contact the director of studies. If you have changed names or have a new civic registration number, you need to enclose an extract from the population register – visit Skatteverket.

To apply:

  • Log in to Ladok with eduID.
  • Click on ‘Degrees and certificates’ in the main menu.
  • Click ‘Apply’ to apply for your degree certificate.

The application has a box where you can write information you might want to pass on to the Graduation Officer. The information you write on the application will be read as soon as the application is being processed.

If you do not have a student account or haven’t received Swedish Social Security number, you need to contact kursadministrator@ehs.se.

You can also take part of the video demonstrating how to apply for the degree certificate in Ladok.

If I lose my certificate, can I get a copy or replacement file?

Degree certificates were issued on paper before 1 januari 2024. You can only receive one original document of the degree certificate. If you have lost your degree certificate (paper form) we can issue a certified copy. Kindly contact the director of studies in this matter.

Student – Share information about your degree (verification)

You can share information about your issued degree and its content with recipients of your choice, for example an employer. The code is issued in Ladok. If you want to see for yourself what is shared with the recipient, you can log in with the control code and your personal identity number. The same code can be used several times and for several recipients.

You share your degree by:

  • Logging in to Ladok with eduID and go to ”Degrees and certificates”
  • Selecting ”Share degree”
  • Sharing the retrieved control code with any recipient

Employer/recruiter – verify the degree certificate

Verify the degree as a PDF document

The digital degree certificate consists of a PDF file with an e-stamp, ensuring the document is unaltered. If you as an employer/recruiter has questions about the authenticity of the certificate, it can be verified by uploading the document on a verification site at Ladok.

Verify degree information shared via code

Verifying that an individual has a degree can easily be done digitally. By using a control code you receive from the individual whose degree you are to verify, as well as his/her personal identity number, you can see information about the degree and its content. The information is retrieved directly from Ladok.

You verify degree information by:

Sharing of degrees is possible for those who have their degree registered in Ladok, which is the study administration system used by most Swedish universities and colleges.

Credit transfer

Students who are already enrolled in a course or program at University College Stockholm can apply for an evaluation of previous studies from a university abroad. The evaluation is done by the director of studies. If the studies are approved for credit transfer, they can be used in a degree from UCS. For more information, please send an email to the director of studies.

If you are not a student at UCS, you must first apply via the national university studies application website www.universityadmissions.se.

Students with a completed degree from a university abroad

If you have an academic qualification with a degree from a university abroad, the Swedish Council for Higher Education can provide you with a general evaluation statement at uhr.se/en.


Your graduation is something to celebrate! University College Stockholm organizes a ceremony once a year for graduate students. The ceremony is usually held in June. Information about the ceremony will be sent to you during the spring term.


For questions regarding the degree certificate, contact the director of studies for the department where you study.