Admission process
1. Selection
When the first round of decisions about which students will be offered places has been made, you will receive an email from asking you to go to “My pages” and read your acceptance letter. You will either be accepted directly or be put on a waiting list. It is important that you read the acceptance letter carefully and go to the link provided for EHS admission information
2. Reply to admission letter
If you are accepted, it is important that you respond to the offer by the reply deadline. If you offered a place on the waiting list please let us know as soon as possible if you want to accept that. Read more about the reserve list
3. CSN – Application for financial support with your studies
If you have not already applied for study grants via CSN, you should do that as soon as possible. If you expect to study for an entire academic year, you must apply for both the autumn term and the spring term at the same time, otherwise there may be a problem with getting a decision in time at the beginning of the spring term. You can find out more here CSN
4. För those who have a disability
In order for us to provide the appropriate learning support, it is important that you submit a medical certificate, speech therapist report or any other documentation that provides evidence of your disability. You should do this as soon as you have been admitted. Here you can read more about how to apply for educational support
5. Second admission round
In the second admission round, those on the waiting list can see if they have now been given a place. If at the end of the admission round they are still on the reserve list, we will keep their place on the waiting list until a week or so after the start of the semester / course start.
6. Late acceptance
Read the instructions in the admission letter regarding late registration in Ladok.
7. Course websites
Each course has its own course website on our learning platform – Canvas. You can log in via our website. Click on Student and then Canvas which will take you to the login page. To log in, you need to obtain eduID. You can create an account here If you do not have a Swedish social security number, you cannot obtain eduID. In this eventuality contact
When you have a fully verified account, you can log in to your course websites in Canvas Login to Canvas by clicking on Student (with eduID). Only students who have previously been assigned a login can log in as a student (without eduID).
8. Registration
In order to participate in the course, you must register. In the first instance, you must register directly in Ladok. Read more on this page. Further information is given in the admission letter.
9. Registration certificate
You can print a registration certificate from within Ladok. Log in to Ladok here. If you do not have a Swedish social security number contact
10. CSN – Student declaration
Once you have registered for your courses, the information is retrieved automatically by CSN. You make a student declaration yourself on “My pages” on CSN’s website.

For students with disabilities
In order to be able to provide additional educational support for you, it is important that you submit a medical certificate, a report from a speech therapy examination or any other relevant documents that prove your permanent disability. Registration should be made via a form on this page
When the semester has started, you should contact the coordinator for educational support to book a time to discuss your needs: Ring 08-564 357 25 or send a message to
Students who have a reading disability have the option to borrow specially adapted course literature. Contact our library for help >>