The student union at UCS is the students’ voice at the university and works to ensure that your education and your study environment are as good as possible.
Through the union, students participate in the development of courses at the university (by providing input about course content, examination, course evaluation, gender equality and equal treatment, etc.). We also organize parties and other activities where you can relax from your studies and get the chance to make contacts with other students. In addition, we also try to influence the environment at the school, both in terms of the care of the premises and of you as a student.
Contact Us
The best and fastest way to reach us is to use email. You can contact the management board at and you can also contact us with all your questions.
Come to the annual meeting
As a member of SEHS, you can influence the board’s work, not least by attending our annual meetings, which are held once per semester. Before the meetings, you can submit motions regarding the work that the union does and you also get the opportunity to influence who is appointed to the board. The annual meetings are an important part of the democratic process and we encourage you as a member to make your voice heard!