The Gospels and the Letters of Paul, Eastern Christian Linguistic Version, 7,5 credits
5OB218 Course, First cycle (200), Eastern Christian Studies
5OB218 Course, First cycle (200), Eastern Christian Studies
5PB333 Course, First cycle (300), Religious studies and theology
TEBAS Program, First cycle (100), Religious studies and theology
5IR410 Course, Second cycle (400), Eastern Christian Studies
MRKAN Program, First cycle (100), Human rights and democracy
5IN114 Course, First cycle (100), Religious studies and theology
5OL121 Course, First cycle (100), Eastern Christian Studies
5MR176 Course, First cycle (100), Human rights and democracy
5EN422 Course, Second cycle (400), Religious studies and theology
5KH512 Course, Second cycle (500), Religious studies and theology
5OT316 Course, First cycle (300), Eastern Christian Studies
5OT347 Course, First cycle (300), Eastern Christian Studies
5MR285 Course, First cycle (200), Human rights and democracy
5EG424 Course, Second cycle (400), Religious studies and theology
TMA23 Program, Second cycle (400), Religious studies and theology
5OB226 Course, First cycle (200), Eastern Christian Studies