Requirements for students

Attendance requirements

EHS applies mandatory attendance. The school’s educational profile is based on the close interaction between students, teachers and literature. The student must ensure that they make up for lost teaching time.

Regarding lectures, with the approval of the teacher a student can be absent for up to 20% of lectures. The teacher has the right to ask those who have more than 20% absence to carry out extra tasks, to compensate for lost teaching. If the student has an absence level of 50% or more, the course is considered to be canceled, even if assessed assignments have been completed.

With regard to seminars / group exercises and other group teaching opportunities 100% attendance applies. Scheduled seminars / group exercises at EHS are mandatory. Preparation for these and active participation in them are counted as part of the assessment. The teacher in each course determines the type of preparation and participation required. In the case of any absence, the teacher has the right to request a supplementary assignment instead.

Study interruptions

Interruptions of study can be reported by the student or confirmed by the university. If a student has not been active after more than three weeks from the start of the program, the department can register interruptions of study. Interruption of studies means that the student’s right to a place of study in the current course or program is removed. Interruption of studies also means that the student is not guaranteed a place if he or she wishes to resume studies at a later course or program occasion. You will lose your place on the program / course, but you can apply again via during the registration period.

If you have been prevented, or no longer want to study for a course / program that has begun, this must be reported immediately. Students must report interruptions to Students on the independent course can register study interuption in Ladok themselves.

If you want to terminate a course you have already started you can do this yourself via Ladok for students:

  1. To terminate a course, click on the course and then on Participation on the course.
  2. Choose I want to terminate and then click the button Terminate the course.
  3. A control window will pop up and you need to click on Yes, I am terminating the course to confirm.

Terminating a course is possible from the first day of study until three weeks into the course. If you terminate within this period you are eligible to apply for the course at a different time. If you want to terminate a course later during your studies, please contact the course administrator at

Study breaks

To request a study break, you must send the signed form (download the form below) and send it to the director of studies via e-mail.

Study break means that a student takes a break from their studies and intends to resume them at a later time. Those who are admitted to a program at the university may continue their studies after a study break. A granted study break means that the student is guaranteed a place (place guarantee) on the education during a certain period of time upon return after the study break.

Program students at University College Stockholm can request a study break, which is normally granted for a maximum of two years. If you wish to resume your studies by the autumn term, you must contact us no later than 1 April. If you wish to resume your studies for the spring semester, you must contact us no later than 1 October. Contact the director of studies via e-mail when you wish to resume your studies.

If you have had a study break for a maximum of two years and have not re-registered for the program, you will lose your place guarantee and be deleted from the program, and you will be asked to apply for the program again via Students on independent courses need to register a study interruption if they no longer wish to continue their studies.

Continued studies

If a student has met the required prerequisites (check these carefully), they can begin new courses. It is possible to start new courses even if up to 15 credits remain outstanding from courses which have not been completed. If the number of points outstanding is greater than 15, it is incumbent on the student to contact the study guide for study planning. If a course is started without these requirements being met, the student risks being asked to leave the course.

Students on programs register themselves for courses to the study counsellors. The applications for stand-alone courses/online courses is made at

What do I need to do as a student if I fall ill?

If you fall ill, you must always report yourself ill on the first day of illness to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. If you remain ill for a longer period, you must have reported yourself ill to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and CSN, in order to be entitled to student finance or sickness benefit. If you are a foreign citizen, please contact CSN and the Swedish Social Insurance Agency to find out what rules applies to you.

If you miss any compulsory part of your course because of illness, you also need to contact the responsible course teacher and notify about your absence.

If you become so ill that you are unable to study for a longer period, you should apply for a study break and contact the director of studies.

Caring for children or close relatives

If you have a child under the age of 12 who becomes ill, you have the right to not study during this time and still receive your financial aid. CSN will review your study results during the period of illness and those days are not counted in the total weeks you’ve received financial assistance. You can find out more at CSN’s website. The information is only provided in Swedish but you can always contact CSN directly for more information.

In case of you are caring for close relatives please contact CSN directly – click HERE