Docent, lektor i bibelvetenskap, pastor i Equmeniakyrkan
Jag arbetar som lektor i Nya Testamentet här på EHS. Jag är ordinerad pastor i Equmeniakyrkan och har arbetat som pastor i Karlshamn med omnejd och i Linköping.
I min forskning använder jag mig av beteendevetenskaper såsom kognitionsvetenskap, psykologi, sociologi och antropologi för att tolka Nya testamentet och förstå de första kristnas erfarenhet. Bland annat undersöker jag tidigkristen identitetsformation, förlåtelse och syndabekännelse, konflikthantering bland de första kristna och det tidiga dopet som kroppslig erfarenhet.
Kazen, Thomas, Roitto, Rikard, 2024. Revenge, Compensation, and Forgiveness in the Ancient World: A Comparative Study of Interpersonal Infringement and Moral Repair. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Roitto, Rikard, 2022. Moral Infringement and Repair in Antiquity: Supplement 2: Group Dynamics. Stockholm: Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm.
Roitto, Rikard, 2022. Moral Infringement and Repair in Antiquity: Supplement 3: Forgiveness. Stockholm: Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm.
Roitto, Rikard, 2021. Behaving as a Christ-believer: a cognitive perspective on identity and behavior norms in Ephesians. Stockholm: Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm.
Roitto, Rikard, 2009. Behaving as a Christ‐Believer: A Cognitive Perspective on Identity and Behavior Norms in Ephesians. Linköping: Linköpings universitet.
Redigerade böcker
Roitto, Rikard, Wigorts Yngvesson, Susanne, 2021. Teknoteologi: AI och människans livsvillkor. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Roitto, Rikard, Uro, Risto, et al., 2018. Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Ritual. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Roitto, Rikard, 2022. The Johannine Information War: A Social Network Analysis of the Information Flow Between Johannine Assemblies as Witnessed by 1-3 John. I: Annali di Storia dell'Esegesi 39. 1. S. 47-62.
Roitto, Rikard, 2019. De första kristnas riter: Nya ritvetenskapliga perspektiv på första århundradets gudstjänst och dop. I: Svenskt Gudstjänstliv 94. S. 115-141.
Roitto, Rikard, 2018. Enduring Shame as Costly Signalling: The Case of Public Confession of Sin According to Tertullian. I: Journal of Cognitive Historiography 4. 1. S. 60-78.
Roitto, Rikard, 2016. Dangerous but contagious altruism: recruitment of group members and reform of cooperation style through altruism in two modified versions of Hammond and Axelrod’s simulation of ethnocentric cooperation. I: Religion, Brain & Behavior 6. 2. S. 154-168.
Roitto, Rikard, 2015. The polyvalence of α͗φίημι and the two cognitive frames of forgiveness in the synoptic gospels. I: Novum Testamentum 57. 2. S. 136-158.
Roitto, Rikard, 2014. Reintegrative Shaming and a Prayer Ritual of Reintegration in Matthew 18:15-20. I: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 79. S. 95-123.
Roitto, Rikard, 2013. Is Covenantal Nomism only Jewish?. I: Henoch 35. 1. S. 119-134.
Roitto, Rikard, 2012. Practices of confession, intercession, and forgiveness in 1 John 1.9; 5.16. I: New Testament Studies 58. 2. S. 235-253.
2022. Mellan rit och reklam del 1: Berättelsen om två församlingars utveckling. I: Sara Garpe & Jonas Ideström (red.), Kyrka i digitala rum: Ett aktionsforskningsprojekt om församlingsliv online i Svenska kyrkan. Uppsala: Svenska kyrkan. S. 47-59.
2022. Mellan rit och reklam del 2: Interaktion, synkronicitet och integritet i förinspelade digitalt förmedlade andakter. I: Sara Garpe & Jonas Ideström (red.), Kyrka i digitala rum: Ett aktionsforskningsprojekt om församlingsliv online i Svenska kyrkan. Uppsala: Svenska kyrkan. S. 61-79.
2022. Using Behavioural Sciences to Understand Early Christian Experiences of Conversion. I: George Boys-Stones & George H. van Kooten (red.), Religious and Philosophical Conversion in the Ancient Mediterranean Traditions. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. S. 43-58.
2021. Inledning: En teknoteologisk kartbild. I: Rikard Roitto & Susanne Wigorts Yngvesson (red.), Teknoteologi: AI och människans livsvillkor. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
2021. Rituella teknologier: Materiella och virtuella vägar till tillbedjan. I: Rikard Roitto & Susanne Wigorts Yngvesson (red.), Teknoteologi: AI och människans villkor. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. S. 145-168.
2020. 1 John. I: Brian Tucker & Aaron Keucker (red.), T&T Clark Social Identity Commentary to the New Testament. London: T&T Clark. S. 555-566.
2020. 2 John. I: Brian Tucker & Aaron Keucker (red.), T&T Clark Social Identity Commentary to the New Testament. London: T&T Clark. S. 567-570.
2020. 3 John. I: Brian Tucker & Aaron Keucker (red.), T&T Clark Social Identity Commentary to the New Testament. London: T&T Clark. S. 571-573.
2019. Forgiveness of the Sinless: A Classic Contradiction in 1 John in the Light of Contemporary Forgiveness Research. I: R. Nikolsky, F. Tappenden & I. Czachesz (red.), Language, Cognition, and Biblical Exegesis: Interpreting Minds. London: Bloomsbury Academic. S. 149-161.
2019. Pastorn som bibeltolkare: Om konsten att predika Bibeln kreativt och med ansvar. I: Sune Fahlgren (red.), Uppdrag pastor: teologi och praktik. Karlstad: Votum. S. 74-89.
2019. The Johannine Information War: A Social Network Analysis of the Information Flow between Johannine Assemblies as Witnessed by 1-3 John. I: Drawing and Transcending Boundaries in the New Testament and Early Christianity. Berlin: LIT Verlag. S. 69-84.
2018. Rituals of Reintegration. I: R. Uro, R. DeMaris, J. Day & R. Roitto (red.), Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Ritual. Oxford: Oxford University Press. S. 426-443.
2017. Paul’s Theological Language of Salvation as Social and Embodied Cognition. I: A. Despotis (red.), Participation, Justification and Conversion: Eastern Orthodox Interpretation of Paul and the Debate between Old and New Perspectives on Paul. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 301-330.
2016. Forgiveness, Ritual and Social Identity in Matthew: Obliging Forgiveness. I: J. Jokiranta, S. Byrskog & R. Hakola (red.), Social Memory and Social Identity in the Study of Early Judaism and Early Christianity. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. S. 187-210.
2015. Bibeln och nationalismen. I: Kjell-Åke Nordquist (red.), Sverige, Sverige Fosterland – teologi, politik och svenska väljare. Studieförbundet Bilda. S. 15-26.
2013. Identity in First John: Sinless Sinners who Remain in Him. I: B. Tucker & C. Baker (red.), The T&T Clark Handbook to Social Identity and the New Testament. London: T&T Clark. S. 493-510.
2013. Vägledande ord om bibelbruk och bibelsyn. I: Ulla-Marie Gunner & Per Westblom (red.), Arvet och en gemensam framtid. Stockholm: Verbum Forlag. S. 97-126.
2008. Act as a Christ-believer, as a household member or as both?: a cognitive perspective on the relationship between the social identity in Christ and household identities in Pauline and deutero-Pauline texts. I: Bengt Holmberg & Mikael Winninge (red.), Identity formation in the New Testament. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. S. 141-161.
2008. Behaving like a Christ-believer: a cognitive perspective on identity and behavior norms in the early Christ-movement. I: Bengt Holmberg (red.), Exploring early Christian identity. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. S. 93-114.
Kazen, Thomas, Roitto, Rikard, 2023. Roman Clemency versus Jewish(-Christian) Forgiveness: A Comparative Analysis. Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 17-21 november 2023.
Roitto, Rikard, 2022. The Parable in the Preacher’s Mind: What Blending Theory Teaches Us About What Education a Preacher Needs. Konferensen "Parables and their Reception" (PR, 26th-28th of September, 2022 at the Oslo university.
Roitto, Rikard, 2019. Presentation of the volume Oxford Handbook on Early Christian Rituals in a Review panel. Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Diego, Nov 2019.
Roitto, Rikard, 2019. Response to three papers on Cognitive Linguistics, Blending, and the Parables of Jesus. Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Diego, Nov 2019.
Roitto, Rikard, 2019. Ritualized Moral Repair in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. Ritual, Emotion and Identity in Antiquity, Rostock, June 2019.
Roitto, Rikard, 2018. Cognitive Perspectives on Conversion to First Century Christianity. Conversion in Antiquity, Bonn, Sept 2018.
Roitto, Rikard, 2018. Conceptualizations of Moral Wrongdoing in Antiquity. Nordic New Testament Conference, Reykjavik, June 2018.
Roitto, Rikard, 2018. Keynote: Idealized Identity, Internal Conflict, and Fuzzy Social Boundaries in the Network of Johannine Communities: 1-3 John Among Voluntary Associations. New Testament Society of Southern Africa, Potchefstroom, Apr 3-6 2018.
Roitto, Rikard, 2018. Perception of Risk in the Sermon on the Mount. Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, Nov 2018.
Roitto, Rikard, 2017. Confession of Sins and Penance as Costly Signaling in Early Christianity. Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Boston, Nov 2017.
Roitto, Rikard, 2017. The Embodied Experience of the Early Christian Symposium and Paul's Language of Salvation and Justification. Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Boston, Nov 2017.
Roitto, Rikard, 2013. Review of Pyysiäinen, Ilkka. Religion, economy, and cooperation.. I: Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion 1. 2. S. 244-245.
Roitto, Rikard, 2013. Review of Trebilco, Paul. Self-designations and group identity in the New Testament.. I: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 78. S. 267-269.
Roitto, Rikard, 2022. Dedications as Aggressions.
Roitto, Rikard, 2011. Behaving as a Christ-Believer: A Cognitive Perspective on Identity and Behavior Norms in Ephesians. Wiona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.
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Bibeln och religionerna. Introduktion i religionshistoria och exegetik, 15 hp
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Att predika Nya testamentet, 7.5 hp
Att predika Nya testamentet, 7.5 hp
Att predika Nya testamentet, 7.5 hp