Fil. dr, lektor
Dr Miriam Hjälm International Conference Presentations
Dr Miriam Hjälm Organizing Scholarly Conferences
Dr Miriam Hjälm Publications and Contributions to Conferences
Efter en magisterexamen i orientalisk i Uppsala och ett påbyggnadsår i Jerusalem, påbörjade jag en avhandling som kombinerade mina två stora intresseområden: Mellanöstern i all sin sociala, religiösa och politiska komplexitet, och Bibeln, eller snarare hur man läser den och därtill förstår dess mening. Avhandlingen, som i slutänden främst blev en studie över manuskript och översättningsteknik, lades fram 2015 i Uppsala med titeln Christian Arabic Versions of Daniel. Därefter fortsatte jag arbetet med att lokalisera, systematisera och försöka förstå den enorma mängd bibelöversättningar som gjordes av kristna i Mellanöstern strax efter islams uppkomst, nu inom ramen för ett tysk-israeliskt projekt i München (
I mitt nuvarande forskningsprojekt (VR) undersöker jag hur Bibeln förstås och används i tidiga arabiska texter, inklusive hur bibelkanon utvecklades och verkar ha fungerat i praktiken, och hur judar, kristna och muslimer visserligen polemiserade mot varandra i kampen om det bibliska arvet men samtidigt utbytte både approacher och konkreta tolkningar med varandra.
På EHS undervisar jag för närvarande hebreiska inom ramen för bibelvetenskap och de apostoliska skrifterna inom ramen för östkyrkliga studier.
Redigerade böcker
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, Bitton-Ashkelony, Brouria, et al., 2023. The Third Lung: New Trajectories in Syriac Studies: : Essays in Honor of Sebastian P. Brock. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, Zawanowska, Marzena, 1924. Strangers in the Land: Traveling Texts, Imagined Others, and Captured Souls in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Traditions. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, Adang, Camilla, 2024. Ala' al-DÄ«n al-BÄji's (d. 714/1314) critique of the Pentateuch and the plurality of Christian Bible recensions. I: Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 21. S. 1-28.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2023. Qur’ānic Intertextuality in Early Christian Arabic Bible Translations. I: The Bible Translator 74. 3. S. 313-330.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2022. Pedagogiska stötestenar: Om att navigera i Bibelns värld med kyrkofäderna som lärare. I: Pilgrim 29. 3. S. 24-29.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2021. Tidiga arabiska bibelöversättningar: Interreligiös interaktion, bibelsyn och meningsskapande. I: Segl S. 157-166.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2020. A Paleographical Study of Early Christian Arabic Manuscripts. I: Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 17. S. 37-77.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2018. Scriptures beyond Words: 'Islamic' Vocabulary in Early Christian Arabic Bible Translations. I: Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 15. S. 49-69.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2015. The Christian Arabic Book of Daniel: Extant versions, canonical constellations, and relation to the liturgical practice, with an Appendix of 'The Song of the Three Young Men'. I: Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 12. S. 115-178.
2023. Early Christian Arabic Colophons from the Palestinian Monasteries: A Comparative Analysis. I: George Kiraz & Sabine Schmidtke (red.), Literary Snippets: Colophons Across Space and Time. Piscataway: Gorgias Press LLC. S. 119-168.
2023. Early Christian Arabic Colophons from the Palestinian Monasteries: Edition with Translation and Commentary. I: George Anton Kiraz & Sabine Schmidtke (red.), Literary Snippets: A Colophon Reader. Piscataway: Gorgias Press. S. 119-168.
2022. 1.5 Arabic Texts. I: Armin Lange, Matthias Henze (red.), The Textual History of the Bible: vol. 3: A Companion to Textual Criticism. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
2022. Biblical Theology, Scholarly Approaches, and the Bible in Arabic. I: Sonja Brentjes, Jens Hoyrup & Bruce R. O'Brien (red.), Narratives on Transla-tion across Eurasia and Africa: From Babylonia to Colonial India. Turnhout: Brepols. S. 135-156.
2022. Lost and Found: Christian Arabic Membra Disjecta in the Mingana Collection. I: Israel Muñoz Gallarte & Marzena Zawanowska (red.), Lost and Bound: ReconstructionTechniques in Fragmentary Manuscripts of the Jewish and Christian Tradition. Madrid: Editorial Sindéresis.
2022. Lost and Found: Christian Arabic Membra Disjecta in the Mingana Collection. I: Israel Muñoz Gallarte & Marzena Zawanowska (red.), Lost and Bound: Reconstruction Techniques in Fragmentary Manuscripts of the Jewish and Christian Tradition. Madrid: Sindéresis. S. 125-148.
2022. Transposed and Thriving: Bible Reception in the Prophetologion: With the Addition of an Early Arabic Witness (Sinai Arabic 588) in the Appendix. I: Barbara Crostini, Carl-Johan Berglund & James Kelhoffer (red.), Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity. Essays in Honour of Anders Ekenberg’s 75th Birthday. Leiden: Brill. S. 435-463.
2021. Psalms to Reason, Psalms to Heal.: The Scriptures in Early Rūm Orthodox Treatises. I: Marzena Zawanowska & Mateusz Wilk (red.), The Character of David in Judaism, Christianity and Islam:: Warrior, Poet, Prophet and King. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 239-272.
2020. 1.1.10 The Arabic Canon. I: Frank Feder, Matthias Henze (red.), The Textual History of the Bible: 2A. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 280-298.
2020. 1.2.12 Arabic Texts. I: Frank Feder, Matthias Henze (red.), The Textual History of the Bible: 2A. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 483-495.
2020. From Palestine to Damascus to Berlin: Early Christian Arabic texts from the Qubbat al-khazna in the Violet collection. I: Arianna D’Ottone Rambach, Konrad Hirschler, Ronny Vollandt (red.), The Damascus Fragments: Towards a History of the Qubbat al-khazna Corpus of Manuscripts and Documents. Beirut: Ergon-Verlag. S. 245-264.
2020. The Four Kingdom Schema and the Seventy Weeks in the Arabic Reception of Daniel. I: Andrew Perrin, Loren T. Stuckenbruck (red.), Four Kingdom Motifs before and beyond the Book of Daniel. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 251-274.
2020. Universal Wisdom in Defense of the Particular: Medieval Christian and Jewish Usage of Biblical Wisdom in Arabic Bible Exegesis. I: Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Thomas Arentzen, Henrik Rydell Johnsén & Andreas Westergren (red.), Wisdom on the Move: Late Antique Traditions in Multicultural Conversation: Essays in Honor of Samuel Rubenson. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 224-246.
2019. Arabic, Wisdom of Solomon. I: Frank Feder & Matthias Henze (red.), The textual History of the Bible: vol. 2c. Brill Academic Publishers. S. 530-534.
1924. Blessed Is the One Who Kills Infants: “The Other” in Eastern Christian Reception of Psalm 137. I: Mirjam Lindgren Hjälm & Marzena Zawanowska (red.), Strangers in the Land: Traveling Texts, Imagined Others, and Captured Souls in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Traditions. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 15-39.
1924. Strangers in the Land Traveling Texts, Imagined Others, and Captured Souls in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Traditions in Late Antique and Mediaeval Times:: an Introduction. I: Miriam Lindgren Hjälm & Marzena Zawanowska (red.), Strangers in the Land: Traveling Texts, Imagined Others, and Captured Souls in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Traditions. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 1-12.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2022. Patristic Exegesis in the Arab World. The 11th Nordic Patristic Meeting will take place at Aarhus University (DK) on the 24th-26th August 2022.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2022. [Review of] Receptions of the Bible in Byzantium: Texts, Manuscripts, and their Readers. Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia 20. Red. Reinhart Ceulemans och Barbara Crostini,. I: Signum 6. S. 56-58.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2022. A Very Modern Mediaeval Project: Text criticism and Jewish-Christian Interaction in a Coptic Psalter.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2022. Christian Bibles in Muslim Robes with Jewish Glosses: Arundel Or.15 and other Medieval Coptic Arabic Bible Translations at the British Library. British Library Blog Post.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2022. Early Arabic Psalm Manuscripts at Sinai, their Scribesand their Readers.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2022. Ortodox bibelsyn och bibelbruk.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2022. Ständigt omskriven, alltid relevant: Josef och Potifarshustru i kalifens rättssal.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2022. Universal Wisdom in Defence of the Particular.
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2020. Christian Arabic Bible Translations in the British Library Collections. British Library Blog
Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam, 2019. The Qurʾānic Subtext of Early Arabic Bible Translations.
History of Religions: The World Religions, 7.5 hp
History of Religions: The World Religions, Distance Education, 7.5 hp
Interpretation, Theory and Method with Paper, Distance Education, 7.5 hp
Interpretation, Theory and Method with Paper, 7.5 hp
The Scriptures and Eastern Christianity , 7.5 hp
The Scriptures and Eastern Christianity, Distance Education, 7.5 hp
History of Religions: The World Religions, 7.5 hp
History of Religions: The World Religions, Distance Education, 7.5 hp
Biblical Studies, 7.5 hp
Biblical Studies, Distance Education, 7.5 hp
Sacred Texts of Eastern Christianity, 5 hp
Sacred Texts of Eastern Christianity, 5 hp
Sacred Texts of Eastern Christianity, 5 hp
History of Religions: The World Religions, 7.5 hp
History of Religions: The World Religions, 7.5 hp
History of Religions: The World Religions, Distance Education, 7.5 hp
Biblical Studies, 7.5 hp
Biblical Studies, Distance Education, 7.5 hp
Bibelhebreiska, 15 hp
Bibelhebreiska, 15 hp