Professor i ecklesiologi, internationella relationer och ekumenik, arkimandrit
Cyril Hovorun började sina studier i sitt födelseland Ukraina där han läste teoretisk fysik innan han fortsatte med studier i teologi på teologiska seminariet i Kiev. Han fortsatte sina teologiska studier på National and Kapodistiran University i Aten samt på Durham University i England där han lade fram sin kandidatuppsats under vägledning av professor Andrew Louth. Ämnet på avhandlingen hade kopplingar till post-kalcedonisk kristologi.
Cyril Hovorun har undervisat teologi vid flera seminarier och institutioner, bland dem teologiska akademier i Moskva, Minsk, National University ”Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” i Kiev, Loyola Marymount University i Los Angeles, med flera. Han har varit forskningsassistent vid Yale och Colombia universitet i USA, gästprofessor vid Münster universitet och vid Chester Ronning Centre for the Study of Religion and Public Life på University of Alberta i Kanada. Han har varit involverad i undervisning i fler än femtio institutioner runt om i världen, bland dem University of Heidelberg (Tyskland), Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam), University of Oxford, Chinese University of Hong Kong, St Joseph University (Macau), Taiwan Theological College and Seminary, Peking University (Kina), Princeton Theological Seminary, University of Manitoba (Kanada), Harvard University, Yale University, University of Munich, University of Iceland, Columbia University, University of Toronto, Myanmar Institute of Theology, University of Eastern Karelia (Finland), LCC International University (Litauen), Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory (Serbien), Dartmouth College (USA), med flera.
Han är medlem i flera akademiska sällskap, bland annat American Academy of Religion, European Academy of Religion, Association for the Sociology of Religion, International Association of Patristic Studies, Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, North American Patristics Society, International Academic Forum (IAFOR) i Japan, Ukrainian Patristic Society (sedan 2019 som president), Research Network for New Directions in the Humanities, International Society for Neoplatonic Studies.
Urval av böcker:
- Sacred Architecture in East and West (edited, Los Angeles: Tsehai, 2019);
- Political Orthodoxies: The Unorthodoxies of the Church Coerced (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2018; Ukrainian translation published in 2019);
- Ukrainian Public Theology (Kyiv: Dukh і Litera, 2017, in Ukrainian),
- Scaffolds of the Church: Towards Poststructural Ecclesiology (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2017; Ukrainian translation published in 2018);
- Wonders of the Panorthodox Council, (Moscow: Christian Book Club, 2016, in Russian);
- Meta-Ecclesiology, Chronicles on Church Awareness, (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015; Ukrainian translation published in 2017);
- From Antioch to Xi’an: an Evolution of ‘Nestorianism’ (Hong Kong: Chinese Orthodox Press, 2014, in Chinese);
- Will, Action and Freedom. Christological Controversies in the Seventh Century (Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2008).
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Eastern Christianity in Its Texts. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Redigerade böcker
Hovorun, Cyril, 2020. Служение общению: переосмысление связи между первенством и соборностью [Serving Communion: Re-Thinking the Relationship Between Primacy and Synodality]. Edited by Cyril Hovorun, Kyiv: Dukh i Litera, 2020.. Kyiv: Dukh i Litera.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2019. Sacred Architecture in East and West. Los Angeles: Tsehai. S. 1-247.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2024. Націєтворення, нація, націоналізм та імперіалізм [Nation-building, nation, nationalism, and imperialism]. I: Bogomyslie 1. S. 79-93.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2023. A Child of the Father of Lies. I: Journal of the Oxford Graduate Theological Society 4. S. 45-55.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2023. Can “Ecumenism as Usual” be Possible in the Wake of the War in Ukraine?. I: Ecumenical Trends 52. 5. S. 25-31.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2023. Deus ex Machina of the War in Ukraine. I: Review of Ecumenical Studies 15. 3. S. 297-322.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2023. Deus ex Machina of the War in Ukraine. I: Review of Ecumenical Studies 15. 3. S. 538-549.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2023. Gespalten, verblendet, feige. I: Publik-Forum S. 17-18.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2023. Russian Church and Ukrainian War. I: Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology 20. 2. S. 37-44.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2023. Ukraine’s Agency. I: Crucible 2. S. 37-47.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2023. Wie man kein „Potemkinsches Dorf“ der Ökumene und der Friedensstiftung bauen sollte. I: Religion & Gessellschaft in Ost und West 51. 6. S. 3-8.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Cooking the Snake of Secularization. I: Jacob's Well S. 22-25.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. COVID-19 and the Russian Orthodox Church. I: Euxeinos 12. 33. S. 29-36.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. For the Life of the World and Orthodox Political Theology. I: Theology Today 78. 4. S. 347-356.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Kirills tidlegare rådgjevar: Kyrkja må angre på krigsstøtta. I: Strek: sentralstimulerende magasin : tro, aktualitet, rotfeste 3. S. 23-25.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Religione civile e ortodossia politica: la Chiesa russa e la guerra in Ucraina. I: Religioni e Società 37. 104. S. 19-27.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Russian Church and Ukrainian War. I: Expository times S. 1-10.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Ryska ortodoxa kyrkan och kriget i Ukraina. I: Svensk kyrkotidning 8. S. 225-229.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Severus of Antioch as Theologian and Ideologist: Towards His More Ecumenical Evaluation. I: Religious Studies and Theology 41. 1. S. 5-23.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Ukraińska teologia publiczna kontra teologia polityczna świata rosyjskiego. I: Czterdzieści i Cztery: 44 13. S. 41-57.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Патристика после неопатристике. I: Глас епархиjе нишке 25. 3. S. 5-9.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2021. “COVID Theology”, or the “Significant Storm” of the Coronavirus Pandemic. I: STATE, RELIGION AND CHURCH in Russia and Worldwide 39. 1. S. 58-75.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2021. Die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche und ihre „Covid-dissidenten“. I: Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West 3. S. 27-29.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2021. In Memoriam. Hans Küng (1928-2021). I: Review of Ecumenical Studies 13. 2. S. 376-378.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2021. The Figure of Socrates in the Early Patristic Culture Wars. I: Studia patristica 20. S. 165-171.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2021. «Богословие ковида»,или «Знаменательная буря» коронавируснойпандемии. I: State, religion and church 8. 2. S. 20-33.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2020. Estic esperançat que tard o d’hora podrem arribar a la unió amb l’Església. I: Catalunya Cristiana XLI. 2114. S. 47-47.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2020. Habermas, Eco, Berger e la fede post-secolare. I: L'Avvenire
Hovorun, Cyril, 2020. Nation-Building Versus Nationalism: Difficult Dilemmas for the Church. I: Icoana Credintei 6. 11. S. 5-16.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2020. Patristics and Sociolinguistics. I: Scrinium 16. 1. S. 20-29.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2020. Ukrainische Autokephalie als Sorge um die Menschen. I: Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West 1. S. 6-8.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2020. Via Tertia for the Orthodox Churches. I: International Journal of Public Theology 14. 3. S. 336-354.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2020. War and Autocephaly in Ukraine. I: Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 7. S. 1-25.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2020. Две значения на свободата в източната патристична традиция: [Two meanings of freedom in the original patristic tradition]. I: Християнство и култура [Christianity and Culture] 156. 9. S. 65-76.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2020. Добрі і лихі богословські плоди пандемії [Good and evil fruits of the pandemic]. I: Sophia: the Herald of Humanitarian and Religious Studies 2. S. 9-13.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2020. Ἡ ἐκκλησιαστικὴ διασπορὰ μεταξὺ ἐδαφικότητας καὶ ἐθνικότητας [Church Diaspora between Territoriality and Nationality]. I: Synaxī 154. S. 44-48.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2019. Anastasius of Sinai and His Participation in the Monothelite Controversy. I: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 95. 3. S. 505-527.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2019. De verhouding tussen Kerk en Staat in Rusland. I: Pokrof. Oosterse christenen, kerken en culturen 66. 5. S. 19-22.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2019. Der Horos von 1755 und die Wiedertaufe in der Orthodoxen Kirche. I: Ökumenische Rundschau 68. 4. S. 496-513.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2019. Die polyphone Theologie der Kirchenväter. Der Beitrag des Johannes von Damaskus. I: Evangelische Theologie 79. 5. S. 393-401.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2019. Ein Riss innerhalb der globalen Orthodoxie. I: Una Sancta 74. 2. S. 104-113.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2019. Patristics and Sociolinguistics. I: Scrinium Advanced Articles. S. 1-10.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2019. Богословська освіта доступна кожному [Theological Education is Accessible to Everyone]. I: Помісна Церква. Український Церковний Вісник 1. 1. S. 12-17.
2024. Deication and Ecclesiology. I: Paul L. Gavrilyuk (ed.), Andrew Hofer, OP (ed.), Matthew Levering (ed.) (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Deification. Oxford: Oxford University Press. S. 592-605.
2023. L'evoluzione della sinodalità in Oriente. I: Alberta M. Putti & Maria Campatelli (red.), Il respiro trinitario della Chiesa: La sinodalità vista dai cristiani orientali. Rome: Lipa. S. 47-60.
2023. Politicisation of Religion: Eastern Christian Cases. I: Herman J. Selderhuis (red.), The Power of Religion / Religion and Power: European Academy of Religion (EuARe) Lectures. Berlin: De Gruyter Open. S. 17-40.
2023. Soviet Political Religion. I: DeVille, Adam & Daniel Galadza (red.), The Lviv “Sobor of 1946” and Its Aftermath: Towards Truth and Reconciliation. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 37-48.
2023. The Evolution of Synodahty in the East. I: Alberta M. Putti & Maria Campatelli (red.), The Trinitarian Breath of the Church: Synodality as seen by Eastern Christians. Rome: Lipa. S. 47-60.
2023. The Evolutionary Tree of Autocephaly. I: Željko Paša & Edward Farrugia (red.), Autocephaly: Coming of Age in Communion. Rome: Pontificio Istituto Orientale. S. 1051-1062.
2023. Values and Secularism. I: Weronika Kudła, Tomasz Huzarek & Maciej Duda (red.), Religious Freedom and Other Human Rights: Threats and Trends. Pelpin, Poland: Bernardium. S. 277-303.
2023. Zašto Ruska pravoslavna crkva podržava rat u Ukrajini?. I: Branko Jurić, Vjeran Martić & Bruna Velčić (red.), Teologija u Dijalogu: Zbornik Radova Ljetne Škole Teologije u Dubrovniku (2019., 2021.) i Mediteranskih Teoloških Susreta u Rijeci (2022.). Rijeka: Riječka nadbiskupija. S. 319-338.
2023. Икономија / Домострој. I: Родольюб Кубат (red.), Лексикон библиjске херментеутике. Београд: Службени гласник. S. 246-248.
2022. Is Scholasticism a Pseudomorphosis? A Polemical Note on Georges Florovsky’s Political Theology. I: Hans-Peter Grosshans & Pantelis Kalaitzidis (red.), Politics, Society and Culture in Orthodox Theology in a Global Age. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 44-57.
2022. Pemeliharaan Pastoral bagi umat Ortodoks Ukraina. I: Evagelos Sotirououlos, translated by Michael Hariman (red.), Kepatriarkan Ekumenikal dan Autokephali Ukraina: Pandangan Historis, Kanonik, dan Pastoral. S. 41-46.
2022. Putins heliga krig. I: Cecil de Rozario (administrativ redaktör), Magdalena Dahlborg, Stina Karltun, Olle Kristenson, Annika Sjöqvist Platzer och Dag Tuvelius (red.), Demokrati, krig och mänsklig värdighet. Laholm: Trydells. S. 17-24.
2022. The Issue of Unia in Relations between Moscow and Constantinople. I: Skira J.Z., De Mey P., Teule H.G.B. (red.), The Catholic Church and its Orthodox Sister Churches: Twenty-Five Years after Balamand. Leuven: Peeters Publishers. S. 119-130.
2022. Theological Episteme and Paideia: The Teaching of Theology in Academia. I: Theresia de Vroom (red.), Teach Your Children Well: Essays on the Road to Teaching and Learning. Los Angeles: Marymount Institute Press. S. 107-114.
2022. Ідеології: нові лінії розділу в Церкві (Ideologies: new divisive lines in the Church). I: Serhiy Bashynsky (red.), Українське Православʼя в світовій спільноті Православних Церков: минуле, сучасне та майбутнє (Ukrainian Orthodoxy in the global community of the Orthodox Churches: past, present, and future). Kyiv: kh i Litera. S. 118-135.
2021. Eastern Christianity and Meditation. I: Farias, Miguel, David Brazier & Mansur Lalljee (red.), The Oxford handbook of meditation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. S. 163-180.
2021. Imago Dei, imago Trinitatis, and imago Christi according to Anastasius Sinaita. I: Theresia Hainthaler, Franz Mali, Gregor Emmenegger & Alexey Morozov (red.), Imago Dei. Forscher aus dem Osten und Westen Europas an den Quellen des gemeinsamen Glaubens. Innsbruck: Tyrolia. S. 395-402.
2021. Агапи як альтернатива Євхаристії онлайн (Agape as an alternative to the online Eucharist). I: Tetiana Derkach (red.), Феномен онлайн-причастя (Phenomenon of the Online Eucharist): Reflections. Polemics. Perspectives. Kyiv: Фонд пам’яті Блаженнішого митрополита Володимира. S. 96-101.
2020. COVID-19, Eucharist, Christian (?) Dualism and the Deadly Orthodox Fundamentalism. I: Petros Vassiliadis & George Demacopoulos (red.), The Church in a Period of Pandemic: Can the Present Pandemic Crisis Become a Meaningful Storm for Renewal in Our Churches?. Thessaloniki: CEMES. S. 159-164.
2020. Fundamentalism in Eastern Christianity. I: Alexei Bodrov; Stephen M. Garrett (red.), Theology and the Political: Theo-political Reflections on Contemporary Politics in Ecumenical Conversation. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 128-144.
2020. Philokalia: From a Manuscript to a Movement. I: Patricia Andrea Cinger & José Antonio Carrascosa Fuentes (red.), Actas II Congreso Internacional de Estudios Patrísticos. San Juan, Argentina: Editorial Universitaria UCCuyo. S. 64-67.
2020. The cause of Ukrainian autocephaly. I: Elizabeth A Clark, D Vovk (red.), Religion during the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. S. 180-191.
2019. Eastern Christianity and Meditation. I: Miguel Farias, David Brazier & Mansur Lalljee (red.), The Oxford handbook of meditation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2019. One Composite Christ: Oneness and Duality of Jesus in the Byzantine Christology. I: Theresia Hainthaler, Dirk Ansorge, Ansgar Wucherpfennig (red.), Jesus der Christus im Glauben der einen Kirche. Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder Verlag. S. 236-247.
2019. Pastoral Care for the Ukrainian Orthodox. I: Evangelos Sotiropoulos (red.), The Ecumenical Patriarchate and Ukraine Autocephaly. Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. S. 41-46.
2019. Two Meanings of Freedom in the Eastern Patristic Tradition. I: Michael Welker (red.), Quests for Freedom: Biblical, Historical, Contemporary. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books. S. 134-146.
2019. Фундаментализм в восточном христианстве [Fundamentalism in the Eastern Christianity]. I: Политическое богословие [Political Theology]. Москва: Rossijskaja akademija nauk / Russian Academy of Sciences. S. 92-112.
2015. Патристика след неопатристиката: A translation into Bulgarian of the paper presented in Durham conference in 2012 and published as Hovorun, Cyril. “Patristics after Neo-Patristics.” Edited by Justin Mihoc and Leonard Aldea, 205–13. Celebration of Living Theology. T&T Clark, 2015.. I: Justin Mihoc & Leonard Aldea (red.), A Celebration of Living Theology: A Festschrift in Honour of Andrew Louth. London: Bloomsbury Academic. S. 205-213.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. One Tsar and Three Patriarchs. World Academic Forum/Stockholm Summit, 19th May 2022.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2020. Η ανταπόκριση της Ρωσικής Εκκλησίας στην Πανορθόδοξο σύνοδο (The Response of the Russian Church to the Panorthodox Council). 8ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο Ορθοδόξου Θεολογίας στη Θεσσαλονίκη από τις 21 έως τις 25 Μαΐου 2018 (8th International Congress of the Orthodox Theology in Thessaloniki, from 21 through 25 of May 2018)..
Hovorun, Cyril, 2019. The Sculptor and His Stone. Selected Readings on Hellenistic and Christian Learning and Thought in the Early Greek Fathers, hg. v. Archbishop Chrysostomos. I: Theologische Revue 115. 1. S. 45-47.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2023. Orthodox Political Theology. St Andrews, Scotland: The University of St Andrews.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Holy Rus’ Against Monstropolis: Putin’s Imagined Cosmic Battles.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Putin’s Mythology: Quasi-Religious Motivations Behind the Russian War in Ukraine.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Russky Mir and an Ideology and Instrument in Putin’s War.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Ryssland ska rädda världen från moraliskt förfall. Malmö
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Sovjets undertrykkelse av kirken. Oslo: Vårt Land. S. 26-28.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. The Churches and the Russian War on Ukraine.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. The End of an Ideological Cycle?. Atlanta, GA: The Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Tidligere Kirill-rådgiver: Kirken har været drivende kraft i udviklingen af russisk fascisme. Copenhagen S. 10-10.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2022. Η Ρωσική Εκκλησία και ο Ουκρανικός πόλεμος [The Russian Church and the Ukrainian War]. Volos: Volos Theological Academy.
Hovorun, Cyril, Vogel, Lothar, et al., 2021. La riconciliazione delle memorie: Ricordare le separazioni tra le Chiese e la ricerca dell'unità. Rome: San Paolo.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2021. Дві сторони однієї ікони [Two Sides of the Same Icon]. Kyiv: Dukh i Litera. S. 9-9.
Hovorun, Cyril, 2020. Theodore of Raith. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
Master’s Program in International Relations and Ecumenism, Distance Education, 60 hp
Master Program in International Relations and Ecumenism, 120 hp
Master Program in International Relations and Ecumenism, Distance Education, 120 hp
Master’s Program in International Relations and Ecumenism , 60 hp
Master Program in International Relations and Ecumenism, 120 hp
Master Program in International Relations and Ecumenism, Distance Education, 120 hp
Master’s Program in International Relations and Ecumenism , 60 hp
Master’s Program in International Relations and Ecumenism, Distance Education, 60 hp
Magister Thesis, Eastern Christian Studies , 15 hp
Master’s Degree Thesis Preparation, 15 hp
Master’s Degree Thesis Preparation, Distance Education, 15 hp
Master Program in International Relations and Ecumenism, 120 hp
Evolution of the Church, 7,5 hp
Master Program in International Relations and Ecumenism, Distance Education, 120 hp
Evolution of the Church, Distance Education, 7,5 hp
Orthodox Christianity: Past and Present, Distance Education, 7.5 hp
Ecclesiology in Contemporary Orthodox Theology, 7,5 hp
Ecclesiology in Contemporary Orthodox Theology , Distance Education, 7,5 hp
Magister Thesis, Eastern Christian Studies , 15 hp
Master Program in International Relations and Ecumenism, Distance Education, 120 hp
Master Program in International Relations and Ecumenism, 120 hp
Public Ecclesiology, 7.5 hp
Ecclesiology and International Relations, 7.5 hp