
Urban Theology

Large cities experience dilemmas caused by segregation, cultural tensions, and high mobility. What does it mean to be a church in a city environment – in the multi-cultural and multi-religious suburbs as well as in the commercialized city centers? This course is grounded in the daily reality in which the churches live and carry out their mission, a reality that poses significant challenges for city-based churches today. The students identify and analyze such contexts, using theological and sociological theories and methods in a way which is both critical and constructive.

Efter kursen förväntas studenten:

  • be able to identify and interpret the presence and manifestations of Christian communities in urban settings from different perspectives, such as socio-political, segregation analysis, gender, religious pluralism and dialogue
  • display considerable insight and improved skills in using theological and sociological theories in the analysis of the life and mission of churches in an urban context
  • demonstrate competence in undertaking research on churches’ relationship to urban populations and cultures
  • reflect critically on community leadership in pastoral and social missions in an urban context

Archer, Kevin, 2013: The City: The Basics. London: Routledge. Pp. 1–103 (102 p)

Cameron, Helen & Deborah Bhatti et al, 2010: Talking About God in Practice. Theological Action, Research and Practical Theology. London: SCM Press (198 p).

Gornik, Mark R., 2011: Word Made Global. Stories of African Christianity in New York City. Grand Rapids/Cambridge: Eardmans. Pp. 3-86; 127-159; 219-242; 257-278 (160 p).

Fahlgren, Sune, 2015:”Studying Fundamental Ecclesial Practices”, i Sune Fahlgren och Jonas Ideström (red.), Ecclesiology in the Trenches. Theory and Method under Construction. Eugene, Or: Wipf and Stock Publ. Pp. 87–105 (19 p).

Ideström, Jonas, 2015: ”Implicit Ecclesiology and Local Church Identity. Dealing with Dilemmas of Empirical Ecclesiology ”, i: Sune Fahlgren och Jonas Ideström (red.), Ecclesiology in the Trenches. Theory and Method under Construction. Eugene, Or: Wipf and Stock Publ. Pp. 129–147 (18 p).

The Commission on Urban Life and Faith, Faithful Cities. A Call for celebration, vision and justice, 2006. London: Church House Publishing, Methodist Publishing House. (102 p). 

Supplementary articles, available as pdf on the web platform (80 p). 

Kurslitteraturen reviderades senast 13 oktober 2015.

Schemat finns tillgängligt senast en månad innan kursen startar. Vi rekommenderar inte att du skriver ut schemat eftersom vissa ändringar kan ske.

Öppna schemat

Jonas Ideström

Prefekt Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi, professor, präst


Sune Fahlgren

Docent, högskolelektor, pastor



U = Underkänd, G = Godkänd, VG = Väl godkänd


  • PM
  • Seminarier

Grundläggande behörighet.
Kurser i teologi 60 hp, varav minst 15 hp från fortsättningsnivå.

Fastställd av Ämnesföreträdarkollegiet vid Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm den 19 mars 2013.

Senast reviderad den 13 oktober 2015.