Bachelor’s Thesis
This course includes an independent project presented in the form of a scholarly essay. The course deals with theory and methods that form the basis for relevant scholarly development within the chosen field.
By the end of the course the student is expected to:
- be able to independently identify, formulate and solve a scholarly question relevant to the subject
- demonstrate the ability to choose and defend an appropriate theoretical and methodological approach based on a chosen research question
- be able to collect, evaluate, analyze and critically interpret material in accordance with scientific practice, draw well-considered conclusions, and critically discuss the meaning of the results
- demonstrate the ability to draw independent conclusions in relation to relevant scientific, societal and ethical aspects
- be able to present their work in a scientific text that is well-structured, linguistically and formally correct
- acquire the ability to carry out a research task within given time frames
- be able to communicate and defend their thesis and function as an opponent in relation to another thesis defence.
Reservation för revidering av litteraturen.
Literature will be assigned based on student individual approaches, types and scopes of thesis topics.
Schemat finns tillgängligt senast en månad innan kursen startar. Vi rekommenderar inte att du skriver ut schemat eftersom vissa ändringar kan ske.
Michael Hjälm
Prefekt Avdelningen för Östkyrkliga studier, Teol.dr, högskolelektor, Teol. dr, högskolelektor Campus Södertälje
A = Framstående, B = Mycket bra, C = Bra, D = Tillfredsställande, E = Tillräcklig, Fx = Otillräcklig, komplettering möjlig, F = OtillräckligExaminationsformer
- Seminarier
- Uppsats
General requirements for university studies.
120 credits in Theology, including 30 credits at introductory level, of which at least 15 credits in Eastern Christian Studies, and 15 credits at Intermediate level, as well as Methodology and Literature Course, 15,0 credits or equivalent.