
The Gospels and the Letters of Paul, Eastern Christian Linguistic Version

This course explores, in depth, early interpretations of Jesus, examines the synoptic problems, provides insights into the history and theology of the Johannine movement, and examines the context and thinking of Paul and the Pauline congregations. Emphasis is placed on the texts’ social context and literary structure, as well as their various theological tendencies. Issues concerning the historical person of Jesus are given special attention.

By the end of the course, the student is expected to:

  • show knowledge of the contents and theology of the Gospels and Pauline letters, from both a historical and literary perspective
  • be aware of and be able to critically discuss important issues concerning the texts ’literary dependencies and historical source value, and reflect on the texts’ theological contribution and relevance
  • demonstrate knowledge of the texts’ social and cultural contexts, and be able to critically discuss the most important issues that the texts raise
  • demonstrate the ability to read and interpret New Testament text, and present and discuss one’s own textual interpretation in writing.

Reservation för revidering av litteraturen.


  • Caroll, John T. , 2016. Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction: . Louisville Kentucky: Westminister/John Knox Press. (307 s.)

  • Horrell, David G. , 2015. An Introduction to the Study of Paul. Approaches to Biblical Studies . 3 uppl. Bloomsbury London: T. T.Clark Ltd. (209 s.)

  • Polaski, Sandra Hack , 2005. A Feminist Introduction to Paul.. S:t Louis Missouri: Chalice Press. (122 s.)



  • Bible Society, British and Foreign, 2013. The New Testament In Syriac. Wiltshire Swindon : British and Foreign Bible Society . (Urval, 250 s.)

  • Aland, Barbara & Aland, Kurt & Karavidopoulos, Johannes, 2014. The Greek New Testament: With Dictionary (Greek and English Edition.). 5 uppl. Möhringen Stuttgart: The German Bible Society. (Urval, 250 s.)

  • Publishing, Zondrevan , 2016. NAV, NIV, Arabic/English Bilingual New Testament, Leather-Look, Green (Arabic Edition). Grand Rapids Michigan: Zondrevan Publishing. (Urval, 250 s.)

  • Wells, Joseph Warren , 2011. Bohairic Coptic New Testament. 2 uppl. Marlton New Jersey: Logos Research Edition. (Urval, 250 s.)

Schemat finns tillgängligt senast en månad innan kursen startar. Vi rekommenderar inte att du skriver ut schemat eftersom vissa ändringar kan ske.

Öppna schemat

Youhanon Habil

Teol.dr, timlärare


Haileyesus Alebachew

Teol.dr., timlärare


Carl Johan Berglund

Docent, studierektor, timlärare, pastor, programansvarig pastorsutbildningen



A = Framstående, B = Mycket bra, C = Bra, D = Tillfredsställande, E = Tillräcklig, Fx = Otillräcklig, komplettering möjlig, F = Otillräcklig


  • PM
  • Salstentamen
  • Tolkningsövningar

General requirements for university studies.
30 credits in Theology, including the courses Biblical Studies, 7,5 hp and History of Religions 7,5 hp and Interpretation, Theory and Method with Paper, 7,5 hp, or equivalent.

Fastställd av Ämnesföreträdarkollegiet vid Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm den 16 november 2016.

Senast reviderad den 22 januari 2020.