Professor of Biblical Studies, ordained minister in the Uniting Church in Sweden
CV & Publications (pdf)
Mässa för mänskor och värld (pdf)
I have been teaching at Stockholm School of Theology since 2002 and since 2010 I am professor of Biblical Studies. Before that, I earned my doctoral degree in Uppsala, where I also taught some undergraduate courses at the Department of Theology. My work in Stockholm is divided between research and teaching and I am director for the doctoral programme in Biblical Studies since its inception in 2017. During the academic year 2012-2013, and during the spring of 2014, I was a visiting fellow at the University of Cambridge.
My research interests include the historical Jesus and his Jewish environment, early Christology, the controversial concept “Son of Man,” apocalypticism and apocalyptic language, the encounter between a modern worldview and the Christian faith, and of course, everything that has to do with ritual impurity. My dissertation was about Jesus’ approach to contemporary laws of purity: Jesus and Purity Halakhah: Was Jesus Indifferent to Impurity?, 2002, reprint 2010. I have since published additional books on purity conceptions: Issues of Impurity in Early Judaism, 2010, and a sequel, Impurity in Early Judaism and the Jesus Tradition: Critical Issues and New Directions, is forthcoming in 2021.
My interests in cult and ritual, as well as in questions about body and morality, have pushed me into research projects on emotions and the use of methods and perspectives from a research field called Cognitive Science of Religion. I have, for example, used perspectives from cognitive science for analysing the role of different emotions in biblical legal texts. In the book Emotions in Biblical Law: A Cognitive Science Approach, 2011, I analyse disgust, empathy, fear and a sense of justice in the Pentateuchal legal collections. I have also published several articles in which I use cognitive perspectives to interpret Jewish purity conceptions as well as New Testament texts. Between 2017 and 2021, I work with my colleague Rikard Roitto on a major project, funded by the Swedish Research Council, “Moral Repair in Antiquity.” In this project we analyse and compare ideals, rituals and practices of “moral repair,” such as revenge, reconciliation, and forgiveness, in early Judaism, the emerging Christian movement, and in Greco-Roman culture, with the help of social science and cognitive methods and perspectives. The project will eventually result in a book.
I also find questions about law and legal interpretation in a general interesting. I have written articles on the development of the law and its role in shaping the Pentateuch and the canon, on the interpretation of the law by Jesus and contemporary groups, and on the different theological approaches of the New Testament texts to the Torah. In 2013, I published a book on the conflicts between Jesus and his opponents over the interpretation and application of the law: Scripture, Interpretation, or Authority? Motives and Arguments in Jesus’ Halakhic Conflicts. Eventually, I hope to publish a broader book on the development and interpretation of the Torah.
Several of my research interests came together in a popular science book in Swedish, which was published in 2018. It discusses same-sex sexuality in the world of the Bible: Dirt, Shame, Status: Perspectives on Same-Sex Sexuality in the Bible and Antiquity. The book is being edited and translated into English.
I am also working on a project about apocalyptic language and the meaning and function of such language in the Jesus tradition. The tools are taken partly from Philosophy of Religion theories about the relationship between myth and language, and partly from a metaphor theory called “conceptual blending.” Hopefully this will also result in a book in due time.
I am responsible for the Tro & Liv Bibel (Faith & Life Bible) series. In 2020, Biblical Studies at University College Stockholm launched this pamphlet series for biblical research in dialogue with church and society to raise issues around faith and human life. The series’ titles are free to download and can be purchased online as paperbacks at a low cost. In 2021, I will publish a small booklet in the series: Ethics and Rhetoric in the Jesus Tradition.
In addition to books, I have written about 50 articles and various book reviews. If you want to see a list of publications and various other things, you can click on the link above.
Before I began doing research and teaching, I worked as a pastor in the Swedish Mission Covenant Church, in a rural setting as well as in the Stockholm region. I was engaged in scouting, in the place of children and young people in the congregation, and in liturgical development. I published a collection of liturgical material for worship in the late 90’s, Who Are You God? We want to believe in you!, and for some years I was also involved in a group that worked in parallel with and on behalf of the Swedish Mission Covenant Church’s handbook committee. The result was the worship book Building Blocks, a collection of materials to be used as a complement to the handbook., which I edited together with Sofia Camnerin, who is now a vice president at University College Stockholm. I was also a member of the theological committee of the Swedish Mission Covenant Church, until it merged with Baptists and Methodists. In Märsta, where I live, I chair Sätunakyrkan, formerly an ecumenical Methodist and Mission Covenant congregation. Nowadays everything is the Uniting Church in Sweden and nowadays I am a member of its theological council.
I preach now and then and occasionally lecture elsewhere on various issues. I have a passion for questions of biblical interpretation and hope to share tools that make it easier to access the contents of biblical texts. I would like to help bridging the gap between ancient historical texts and our time and world, making the texts come alive and become relevant today.
After an active period in the Christian Peace Movement in the 1980s, I carry with me an interest in social issues, not least issues of justice and human relations. I am convinced that both faith and life must always be political, in the sense that they try to counter and transform all those structures that prevent and obstruct human well-being and community. Ultimately, this is also the task of the academy, since knowledge and analysis by necessity unmask reality and open our eyes.
I play music at times and occasionally write a song or a hymn. At the beginning of 2020, I composed a mass with my own lyrics and music: Mass for humans and the world. You are welcome to download it if you wish. When I have free time, a phenomenon that mainly occurs in the summers, I grow vegetables in my garden in Västmanland together with my wife and pick as many berries as I can in the forest.
Kazen, Thomas, Roitto, Rikard, 2024. Revenge, Compensation, and Forgiveness in the Ancient World: A Comparative Study of Interpersonal Infringement and Moral Repair. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Larsen, Kasper Bro, 2023. Jesus: En historisk crash course. Stockholm: Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm.
Kazen, Thomas, 2022. Moral Infringement and Repair in Antiquity: Supplement 1: Emotions and Hierarchies. Stockholm: Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm.
Kazen, Thomas, 2021. Etik och retorik i Jesustraditionen: kognitiva och psyko-biologiska perspektiv. Stockholm: Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm.
Kazen, Thomas, 2021. Impurity and Purification in Early Judaism and the Jesus Tradition. Atlanta: SBL Press.
Kazen, Thomas, 2021. Issues of Impurity in Early Judaism. Stockholm: Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm.
Kazen, Thomas, 2021. Jesus and Purity Halakhah: Was Jesus Indifferent to Impurity?. Stockholm: Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm.
Kazen, Thomas, 2018. Smuts, skam, status: Perspektiv på samkönad sexualitet i Bibeln och antiken. Göteborg/ Stockholm: Makadam Förlag.
Kazen, Thomas, 2013. Scripture, Interpretation, or Authority? : Motives and Arguments in Jesus’ Halakic Conflicts. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Kazen, Thomas, 2011. Emotions in Biblical Law: A Cognitive Science Approach. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press.
Kazen, Thomas, 2010. Issues of Impurity in Early Judaism. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.
Kazen, Thomas, 2010. Jesus and Purity Halakhah: Was Jesus Indifferent to Impurity?. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.
Kazen, Thomas, 2002. Jesus and Purity Halakhah: Was Jesus Indifferent to Impurity?. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International.
Edited Books
Kazen, Thomas, Wigorts Yngvesson, Susanne, 2021. Öppna vyer - lång sikt: Festskrift till Owe Kennerberg. Stockholm: Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm.
Camnerin, Sofia, Kazen, Thomas, 2004. Byggstenar för gudstjänst: idéer och material för gudstjänstförnyelse. Stockholm: Verbum.
Kazen, Thomas, 2024. John’s Immersions: Ritual Purification, but from What?. In: Journal for the Study of the New Testament S. 1-26.
Kazen, Thomas, 2024. The Changing Character of the Torah: Jesus and the Scrolls. In: Journal of Ancient Judaism S. 1-28.
Kazen, Thomas, 2021. Law and Emotion in Moral Repair: Circumscribing Infringement. In: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 45. 4. S. 535-560.
Kazen, Thomas, 2019. Purity and Impurity in Ancient Israel and Early Judaism. London: Oxford University Press.
Kazen, Thomas, 2019. Viewing Oneself through Others’ Eyes: Shame between Biology and Culture in Biblical Texts. In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 84. S. 51-80.
Kazen, Thomas, 2018. Levels of Explanation for Ideas of Impurity: Why Structuralist and Symbolic Models Often Fail While Evolutionary and Cognitive Models Succeed. In: Journal of Ancient Judaism 9. 1. S. 75-100.
Kazen, Thomas, 2017. Emotional Ethics in Biblical Texts: Cultural Construction and Biological Bases of Morality. In: Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 6. 4. S. 431-456.
Kazen, Thomas, 2016. A Perhaps Less Halakic Jesus and Purity: On Prophetic Criticism, Halakic Innovation, and Rabbinic Anachronism. In: Journal For The Study of the Historical Jesus 14. 2. S. 120-136.
Kazen, Thomas, 2015. Concern, custom and common sense: discharge, hand washing and graded purification. In: Journal For The Study of the Historical Jesus 13. 2-3. S. 150-187.
Kazen, Thomas, 2014. The Role of Disgust in Priestly Purity Law: Insights from Conceptual Metaphor and Blending Theories. In: Journal of Law, Religion and State 3. 1. S. 62-92.
Kazen, Thomas, 2013. Response to Stephen Finlan. In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 78. S. 87-92.
Kazen, Thomas, 2011. Moralische Emotionen in der Jesusüberlieferung: ein psycho-biologischer Beitrag zum Verhältnis von Selbsterhaltung und Nächstenorientierung. In: Evangelische Theologie 71. 4. S. 288-306.
Kazen, Thomas, 2010. 4Q274 fragment 1 revisited: or who touched whom? further evidence for ideas of graded impurity and graded purifications. In: Dead Sea Discoveries 17. 1. S. 53-87.
Kazen, Thomas, 2008. The christology of early Christian practice. In: Journal of Biblical Literature 127. 3. S. 591-614.
Kazen, Thomas, 2007. Explaining discrepancies in the purity laws on discharges. In: Revue biblique (1946) 114. 3. S. 348-371.
Kazen, Thomas, 2007. The Coming Son of Man Revisited. In: Journal For The Study of the Historical Jesus 5. 2. S. 155-174.
Kazen, Thomas, Ekedahl, Marianne, 2006. Induktiv teologi som meningsskapande: om erfarenhetens roll i själavård och texttolkning. In: Tro & Liv 5. S. 7-17.
Kazen, Thomas, 2006. Standing helpless at the roar and surging of the sea: reading biblical texts in the shadow of the wave. In: Studia Theologica 60. 1. S. 21-41.
Kazen, Thomas, 2006. The Good Samaritan and a presumptive corpse. In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 71. S. 131-144.
Kazen, Thomas, 2005. Response to Larry Hurtado: To live and die for Jesus. In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 70. S. 333-338.
Kazen, Thomas, 2005. Sectarian gospels for some Christians?: intention and mirror reading in the light of extra-canonical texts. In: New Testament Studies 51. 4. S. 561-578.
Kazen, Thomas, 2005. Tidiga Jesusbilder: om erfarenheten bakom och framför kristologin. In: Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift 81. 2. S. 49-66.
Kazen, Thomas, 2003. Forskningens betydelse för grundutbildningen. In: Tro & Liv 62. 5. S. 15-23.
Book Chapters
2024. Biblical Law and the New Testament. In: Bruce Wells (ed.), Cambridge Companion to Law in the Hebrew Bible. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. S. 261-282.
2023. Malachi’s Metaphorical Divorce: Reading Marital Faithlessness as Cult Criticism with a Little Help from Blending Theory. In: David Davage, Mikael Larsson, Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer (eds.), Metaphors in the Prophetic Literature of the Hebrew Bible and Beyond. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh. S. 116-137.
2022. Jesus’ Interpretation of the Torah. In: Jens Schröter & Christine Jacobi (eds.), The Jesus Handbook. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
2021. Altruism and Prosocial Ideals in the Sermon: Between Human Nature and Divine Potential. In: Rikard Roitto, Colleen Shantz & Petri Luomanen (eds.), Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount. Sheffield: Equinox Publishing. S. 82-109.
2021. Emotional Repression and Physical Mutilation?: The Cognitive and Behavioural Impact of Exaggeration in the Sermon on the Mount. In: Rikard Roitto, Colleen Shantz & Petri Luomanen (eds.), Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount. Sheffield: Equinox Publishing. S. 133-173.
2021. Judarna i Johannesevangliet. In: Helene Egnell (ed.), Tala väl. Predikokommentarer i Krister Stendahls anda,. Uppsala: iBibelakademiförlaget. S. 84-86.
2021. Om förföljelser. In: Helene Egnell (ed.), Tala väl. Predikokommentarer i Krister Stendahls anda. Uppsala: iBibelakademiförlaget. S. 91-93.
2021. The Origins and Transmission of the Texts: Which Text Belongs to the New Testament? The Canonization ProcessPious Forgeries or Necessary Reinterpretations?From Jesus Traditions to GospelsFor Whom Were the Texts Meant?The Historical Development of the Canon and Other Early Circulation of Texts. In: Dieter Mitternacht & Anders Runesson (eds.), Jesus, the New Testament, Christian Origins: Perspectives, Methods, Meanings. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. S. 211-233.
2021. Vida vidder: Om religionens rottrådar, andlighetens utgångspunkter och människans moral. In: Thomas Kazen & Susanne Wigorts Yngvesson (eds.), Öppna vyer - lång sikt: Festskrift till Owe Kennerberg. Stockholm: Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm. S. 13-39.
2019. Emotional Fear in Pentateuchal Legal Collections. In: Ronit Nikolsky (ed.), Language, Cognition, and Biblical Exegesis: Interpreting Minds . London: Bloomsbury Academic. S. 40-62.
2019. The Role of Law in the Formation of the Pentateuch and the Canon. In: Pamela Barmash (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. S. 257-274.
2018. Purification. In: Risto Uro, Juliette J. Day, Richard E. DeMaris, Rikard Roitto (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Ritual. Oxford: Oxford University Press. S. 220-244.
2017. Disgust in Body, Mind, and Language: The Case of Impurity. In: F. Scott Spencer (ed.), Mixed Feelings and Vexed Passions: Exploring Emotions in Biblical Literature . Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature. S. 97-115.
2017. Jesu Interpretation der Tora. In: Jens Schröter, Christine Jacobi (eds.), Jesus Handbuch. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. S. 402-416.
2017. Sacrificial Interpretation in the Narratives of Jesus’ Last Meal. In: David Hellholm & Dieter Sänger (eds.), The Eucharist, its origins and contexts: Sacred meal, communal meal, table fellowship in late antiquity, early Judaism, and early Christianity.Vol. 3Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman traditions, archaeology. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. S. 477-502.
2015. Purity and Persia. In: Roy E. Gane & Ada Taggar-Cohen (eds.), Current Issues in Priestly and Related Literature: The Legacy of Jacob Milgrom and Beyond. Atlanta: SBL Press. S. 435-462.
2015. Theology: New Testament. In: Brent Strawn (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Bible and Law, vol. 2. New York: Oxford University Press. S. 384-400.
2014. Revelation, interpretation, tradition: Jesus, authority and halakic development. In: Samuel Byrskog, Tom Holmén & Matti Kankaanniemi. (eds.), The identity of Jesus: Nordic voices. Tübingen S. 127-160.
2013. Empathy and Ethics: Bodily Emotion as Basis for Moral Admonition. In: Mind, Morality and Magic: Cognitive Science Approaches in Biblical Studies. Durham: Acumen Publishing. S. 213-234.
2013. Jesus and the zavah: implications for interpreting Mark. In: Carl S. Ehrlich, Anders Runesson & Eileen Schuller (eds.), Purity, holiness, and identity in Judaism and Christianity: essays in memory of Susan Haber. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. S. 112-143.
2012. Self-Preserving and Other-Oriented Concerns in the Jesus Tradition. In: Sven-Olav Back & Matti Kankaanniemi (eds.), Voces Clamantium in Deserto: Essays in Honor of Kari Syreeni . Åbo / Turku: Teologiska fakulteten vid Åbo universitet. S. 124-148.
2012. Some Notes on Sacrificial Removal in Priestly Law. In: Tal Davidovich (ed.), Plogbillar & svärd: En festskrift till Stig Norin. Stockholm: Molin & Sorgenfrei. S. 89-100.
2010. Jesus, Scripture and paradosis: response to Friedrich Avemarie. In: Reimund Bieringer, Florentino García Martínez, Didier Pollefeyt & Peter Tomson (eds.), The New Testament and Rabbinic Literature. Leiden : Boston: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 281-288.
2009. Evolution, emotion and exegesis: disgust and empathy in Biblical texts on moral and ritual issues. In: Carl Reinhold Bråkenhielm (ed.), Linnaeus and homo religiosus: biological roots of religious awareness and human identity. S. 191-218.
2008. Dirt and Disgust: Body and Morality in Biblical Purity Laws. In: Baruch Schwartz, et al (eds.), Perspectives on Purity and Purification in the Bible . London: T&T Clark. S. 43-64.
2008. Son of Man and early Christian identity formation. In: Bengt Holmberg & Mikael Winninge (eds.), Identity formation in the New Testament. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. S. 97-122.
2007. Son of man as kingdom imagery: Jesus between corporate symbol and individual redeemer figure. In: Tom Holmén (ed.), Jesus from Judaism to Christianity: continuum approaches to the historical Jesus. London: T&T Clark. S. 87-108.
2007. Twenty Years after Sigal: Jesus as Proto-Rabbinic Teacher of Halakhah. In: The Halakah of Jesus of Nazareth According to the Gospel of Matthew : By Phillip Sigal; reprint edition. Atlanta: SBL Press. S. 195-211.
2006. Här är inte man eller kvinna – var någonstans?: Om Paulus eskatologiska asexualitet i en aveskatologiserad sexualiserad kontext. In: Göran Gunner (ed.), På spaning… från Svenska kyrkans forskardagar 2005. Stockholm: Verbum. S. 119-135.
2006. Texternas tillkomst och tradering. In: Dieter Mitternacht & Anders Runesson (eds.), Jesus och de första kristna: Inledning till Nya testamentet. Stockholm: Verbum. S. 180-200.
2006. Tolkning och respekt: Om bibeltolkning och homosexualitet. In: Lars Ingelstam, Johnny Jonsson & Berit Åqvist (eds.), Spår av Gud: Vänbok till Valborg Lindgärde. Bromma: THS. S. 182-194.
Conference Contributions
Kazen, Thomas, Roitto, Rikard, 2023. Roman Clemency versus Jewish(-Christian) Forgiveness: A Comparative Analysis. Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 17-21 november 2023.
Kazen, Thomas, 2024. Review of Paul J. DeHart, Unspeakable Cults: An Essay in Christology (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2021).. In: Review of Biblical Literature 04.
Kazen, Thomas, 2021. Välskriven dogmatisk utläggning: Recension av Tobias Hägerland, Messias och hans folk: Matteusevangeliet (Örebro: Libris, 2020). 429 sidor.. In: Svensk kyrkotidning 117. 2. S. 50-52.
Kazen, Thomas, 2020. Review of Brett E. Maiden, Cognitive Science and Ancient Israelite Religion: New Perspectives on Texts, Artifacts, and Culture (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020).. In: Antigüedad: Religiones y Sociedades (ARYS) 20. S. 549-552.
Kazen, Thomas, 2018. Recension av Marcus J. Borg & John Dominic Crossan, Den radikale Paulus: Kyrkans konservativa ikon som progressiv visionär (Helsingfors: Tomas von Martens, 2016). In: Svensk kyrkotidning 114.
Kazen, Thomas, 2016. Review of Elizabeth W. Goldstein, Impurity and Gender in the Hebrew Bible. In: Review of Biblical Literature
Kazen, Thomas, 2016. Review of Eve Levavi Feinstein, Sexual Pollution in the Hebrew Bible. In: Review of Biblical Literature 18.
Kazen, Thomas, 2016. Review of Thomas Hieke, Levitikus: Erster Teilband: 1-15. In: Review of Biblical Literature 8.
Kazen, Thomas, 2016. Review of Boyarin, Daniel. The Jewish Gospels: the story of the Jewish Christ.. In: The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 78. 4. S. 768-771.
Kazen, Thomas, 2015. Review of Balberg, Mira. Purity, body, and self in early rabbinic literature.. In: History of Religions 55. 2. S. 231-235.
Kazen, Thomas, 2015. Review of Haber, Susan. They shall purify themselves: essays on purity in early Judaism.. In: Hebrew Studies 56. S. 430-433.
Kazen, Thomas, 2013. Review of Dunn, James D G. Jesus, Paul, and the Gospels.. In: The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 75. 2. S. 353-355.
Kazen, Thomas, 2012. “Dialog eller apologetik?” Review of Anders Runesson, O att du slet itu himlen och steg ner! Om Jesus, Jonas Gardell och Guds andedräkt. In: Svensk kyrkotidning 108. 1. S. 11-12.
Kazen, Thomas, 2012. Review of Hans Leander, Discourses of Empire: Mark’s Gospel from a Postcolonial Perspective. In: Sändaren
Kazen, Thomas, 2009. Review of Bernard S. Jackson, Essays on Halakhah in the New Testament. In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 74. S. 238-240.
Kazen, Thomas, 2009. Review of Hannah K. Harrington, The Purity Texts and Ian C. Werrett, Ritual Purity and the Dead Sea Scrolls. In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 74. S. 226-228.
Kazen, Thomas, 2009. Review of Jay Sklar, Sin, Impurity, Sacrifice, Atonement: The Priestly Conceptions. In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 74. S. 269-271.
Kazen, Thomas, 2009. Review of Jonas Gardell, Om Jesus. In: Tro & Liv 68. 3. S. 48-52.
Kazen, Thomas, 2009. Review of Jonas Gardell, Om Jesus. In: Finsk Tidskrift 6-7. S. 368-372.
Kazen, Thomas, 2009. Review of William K. Gilders, Blood Ritual in the Hebrew Bible: Meaning and Power. In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 74. S. 221-223.
Kazen, Thomas, 2009. Review of Fiensy, David A. Jesus the Galilean: soundings in a first century life.. In: Biblical Theology Bulletin 39. 3. S. 171-172.
Kazen, Thomas, 2008. Review of Clinton Wahlen, Jesus and the Impurity of Spirits in the Synoptic Gospels. In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 73. S. 284-286.
Kazen, Thomas, 2008. Review of Roland Deines, Die Gerechtigkeit der Tora im Reich des Messias: Mt 5,13–20 als Schlüsseltext der matthäischen Theologie. In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 73. S. 213-215.
Kazen, Thomas, 2007. Review of Magnus Zetterholm, Lagen som evangelium? Den nya synen på Paulus och judendomen. In: Svensk kyrkotidning 14-15. S. 183-185.
Kazen, Thomas, 2006. ”Födelsen av en ny tro?” Review of John Shelby Spong: En ny kristendom för en ny värld: Om den traditionella trons död och födelsen av en ny tro. In: Tro & Liv 65. S. 38-44.
Kazen, Thomas, 2005. Review of Hengel, Martin & Schwemer, Anna Maria. Der messianische Anspruch Jesu und die Anfänge der Christologie. In: Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift 81. 3. S. 137-139.
Kazen, Thomas, 2004. Review of Birger Gerhardsson, Memory and Manuscript: Oral Tradition and Written Transmission in Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity [1961] with Tradition and Transmission in Early Christianity [1964] (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1998) samt Birger Gerhardsson, The Reliability of the Gospel Tradition (Peabody: Hendrickson, 2001). Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 80 (2004): 136–138.. In: Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift 80. 3. S. 136-138.
Kazen, Thomas, 2004. Review of Mark D. Nanos (red.), The Galatians Debate: Contemporary Issues in Rhetorical and Historical Interpretation. In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 69. S. 248-251.
Kazen, Thomas, 2003. Review of Anders Sjöberg, Vem är den mannen?. In: Tro & Liv 62. 3-4. S. 47-49.
Kazen, Thomas, 2003. Review of Sven Hillert, Frälsning för alla? En biblisk vision. In: Tro & Liv 62. 5. S. 48-49.
Kazen, Thomas, 2002. Review of Holmberg, Bengt. Människa och mer: Jesus i forskningens ljus. In: Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift 78. 4. S. 189-191.
Kazen, Thomas, 2024. Dirt, Shame, Status: Perspectives on Same-Sex Relationships in the Bible and the Ancient World. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
Kazen, Thomas, 2016. Jehezkel. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Kazen, Thomas, 2016. Jekabzeel. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Kazen, Thomas, 2016. Jekameam. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Kazen, Thomas, 2016. Jekamiah.
Kazen, Thomas, 2016. Jekuthiel. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Kazen, Thomas, 2016. Jered. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Kazen, Thomas, 2016. Jeremoth. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Kazen, Thomas, 2015. Purity / Impurity. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
Romans, Advanced NT Readings, Greek, 7.5 credits
Romans, Advanced NT Readings, Greek, 7.5 credits
Apocrypha and Apocalypse, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
The historical Jesus, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
The historical Jesus , 7.5 credits
Introduction to the Bible and Religion, 15 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level , 7.5 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
Introduction to the Bible and Religion, 15 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level , 7.5 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
Introduction to the Bible and Religion, 15 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level , 7.5 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level , 7.5 credits
The historical Jesus , 7.5 credits
New Testament Greek, 15 credits
The Gospel of Matthew, NT Readings, Greek , 7.5 credits
Introduction to the New Testament, 7.5 credits
New Testament Greek, 15 credits
The historical Jesus , 7.5 credits
Introduction to the New Testament, 7.5 credits
The Gospel of Luke, NT Readings, Greek , 7.5 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Thesis Preparatory Course in Biblical Studies, 7.5 credits
Thematic Course: The Bible as Myth and History, 7.5 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Thematic Course: The Bible as Myth and History, 7.5 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Apocrypha and Apocalypse, 7.5 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation of life, 15 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Apocrypha and Apocalypse, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
The Gospels and the Letters of Paul, Eastern Christian Linguistic Version, 10 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
The Gospels and the Letters of Paul, Eastern Christian Non-linguistic Version, 10 credits
Gospels and Letters, 15 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation of life, 15 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
The Gospels and the Letters of Paul, Eastern Christian Linguistic Version, 10 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
Apocrypha and Apocalypse, 7.5 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Apocrypha and Apocalypse, 7.5 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation of life, 15 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level, 7.5 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
Gospels and Letters, 15 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation of life, 15 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level , 7.5 credits
Gospels and Letters, NT Readings Greek, 15 credits
Gospels and Letters, 15 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Theology by Necessity. Change, Crisis and Development in Biblical Theology, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level , 7.5 credits
Theology by Necessity. Change, Crisis and Development in Biblical Theology, 7.5 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
Apocalypticism: Language, Theology, Politics, 7.5 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level , 7.5 credits
Jesus and the Gospels, NT Readings, Synoptic Gospels, Greek , 7.5 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Text, Context and Interpretation, 15 credits
Gospels and Letters, NT Readings Greek, 15 credits
Apocalypticism: Language, Theology, Politics, 7.5 credits
Jesus and the Gospels, NT Readings, Synoptic Gospels , 7.5 credits
Gospels and Letters, 15 credits
Archaeology and Biblical History, 7.5 credits
Paul and His Letters, NT Readings , 7.5 credits
Paul and His Letters, NT Readings, Greek , 7.5 credits
Advanced NT Readings, 7.5 credits
Thematic Studies, advanced level , 7.5 credits
Apocalypticism: Language, Theology, Politics, 7.5 credits
Violence, ethnicity and gender , 7.5 credits
Apocalypticism: Language, Theology, Politics, 7.5 credits
Apocalypticism: Language, Theology, Politics, 7.5 credits
Society, Crisis and Theological Development , 7.5 credits
Romans, NT Readings, Greek , 7.5 credits