Teol dr, Senior lecturer, Docent
Gunner, Göran, 2014. Comprehending Christian Zionism: perspectives in comparison. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
Grenholm, Carl-Henric, Gunner, Göran, 2014. Justification in a Post-Christian Society. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
Gunner, Göran, 2013. Genocide of Armenians Through Swedish Eyes. Yerevan: The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute.
Gunner, Göran, 2012. Folkmordet på armenier – sett med svenska ögon. Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag.
Gunner, Göran, Nordquist, Kjell-Åke, 2011. An unlikely dilemma: constructing a partnership between human rights and peace-building. Eugene, Or.: Pickwick Publications.
Gunner, Göran, Halvardson, Sven, 2006. Vart tar väckelsens folk vägen?: En studie av frikyrkligheten i de västvärmländsks kommunerna Arvika, Eda och Årjäng. Skellefteå: Norma.
Gunner, Göran, 1996. När tiden tar slut: motivförskjutningar i frikyrklig apokalyptisk tolkning av det judiska folket och staten Israel. Uppsala: Svenska institutet för missionsforskning.
Edited Books
Gunner, Göran, Forster, Dion A., et al., 2019. Freedom of Religion at Stake: Competing Claims among Faith Traditions, States, and Persons. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications.
Gunner, Göran, Slotte, Pamela, et al., 2019. Human Rights, Religious Freedom and Faces of Faith. Geneva: Globethics.net.
Grenholm, Carl-Henric, Gunner, Göran, 2015. Justification in a Post-Christian Society. Cambridge: James Clarke & Co.
Grenholm, Carl-Henric, Gunner, Göran, 2014. Lutheran identity and political theology. Eugene, Or.: Pickwick Publications.
Eriksson, Anne-Louise, Gunner, Göran, et al., 2012. Exploring a heritage: evangelical Lutheran churches in the north. Eugene, Or: Pickwick Publications.
Ahlstrand, Kajsa, Gunner, Göran, 2011. Non-Muslims in Muslim majority societies: with focus on the Middle East and Pakistan. Vambridge: Lutterworth Press.
Ahlstrand, Kajsa, Gunner, Göran, 2009. Non-Muslims in Muslim majority societies: with focus on the Middle East and Pakistan. Eugene, Or: Pickwick Publications.
Ahlstrand, Kajsa, Gunner, Göran, 2008. Guds närmaste stad?: En studie om religionernas betydelse i ett svenskt samhälle i början av 2000-talet. Stockholm: Verbum.
Namli, Elena, Gunner, Göran, 2005. Allas värde och lika rätt: perspektiv på mänskliga rättigheter. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Gunner, Göran, Klasson Sundin, Maria, et al., 2012. Barnets rätt och omskärelse av pojkar: del 1. In: Svensk kyrkotidning 15. S. 284-286.
Gunner, Göran, Klasson Sundin, Maria, et al., 2012. Barnets rätt och omskärelse av pojkar: del 2. In: Svensk kyrkotidning 16. S. 303-306.
Gunner, Göran, 1998. "Mänskliga rättigheter och demokrati" vid Teologiska Högskolan, Stockholm. In: Svensk Missionstidsskrift 86. 1. S. 113-119.
Book Chapters
2023. Religious Freedom as a Human Right. In: Md Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan & Carla M. Zoethout (eds.), Freedom of Religion and Religious Pluralism. Leiden: Brill Nijhoff. S. 79-100.
2021. Covid-19-pandemi och religionsfrihet. In: Thomas Kazen, Susanne Wigorts Yngvesson (eds.), Öppna vyer - lång sikt: Festskrift till Owe Kennerberg. Stockholm: Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm. S. 205-221.
2021. Konungen ’bör ingens samvete tvinga eller tvinga låta’: Kampen för samvets- och religionsfrihet under 1800-talet. In: Linde Lindkvist & Johannes Ljungberg (eds.), Samvete i Sverige: Om frihet och lydnad från medeltiden till idag. Lund: Nordic Academic Press. S. 119-140.
2021. Mellanöstern och Nordafrika. In: Klas Lundström, Kajsa Ahlstrand, Jan-Åke Alvarsson, Göran Janzon (eds.), Svensk mission och kyrkorna som växt fram. Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag. S. 343-369.
2021. More than Wood and Stones: How the Destruction of Holy Sites Affects Religious Identity. In: Places of Worship and Holy Sites in Europe and the Middle East: Status and Protection under National and International Law. Geneva: Globethics.net. S. 44-53.
2021. Och vem är min nästa?: Om teologi och mänskliga rättigheter. In: Anna Ekman (ed.), Ge Bibeln utrymme att göra skillnad i världen. Sabeels vänner i Sverige i samarbete med Studieförbundet Bilda. S. 48-59.
2021. Svenska Missionsförbundets mission i Ryssland. In: Klas Lundström, Kajsa Ahlstrand, Jan-Åke Alvarsson, Göran Janzon (eds.), Svensk mission och kyrkorna som växte fram. Skellefteå S. 160-163.
2020. Predikanten Gustafva, Moster i Pärlstickargränd och andra kvinnor i väckelsens början. In: Simon Sorgenfrei & David Thurfjell (eds.), Kvinnligt religiöst ledarskap: En vänbok till Gunilla Gunner. Huddinge: Södertörns högskola. S. 15-25.
2019. Freedom of Religion as Perceived by the States: A European Perspective. In: Dion A. Forster, Elisabeth Gerle, Göran Gunner (eds.), Freedom of Religion at Stake: Competing Claims among Faith Traditions, States, and Persons. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications.
2019. Freedom of Religion or Belief Outside of Europe: Pakistan. In: Göran Gunner,Pamela Slotte & Elizabeta Kitanović (eds.), Human Rights, Religious Freedom and Faces of Faith. Geneva: Globethics.net. S. 153-162.
2019. Human Rights, Freedom of Religion of Belief, and the Church. In: Göran Gunner, Pamela Slotte & Elizabeta Kitanović (eds.), Human Rights, Religious Freedom and Faces of Faith. Geneva: Globethics.net. S. 13-28.
2019. The Rights of Religious Minorities. In: Göran Gunner, Pamela Slotte & Elizabeta Kitanović (eds.), Human Rights, Religious Freedom and Faces of Faith. Geneva: Globethics.net. S. 29-47.
2018. Kung Leopolds vålnad och missionen. In: Görel Byström Janarv (ed.), Uppdrag – Kongo: Berättelsen om ett konstverk. Karlstad: Votum & Gullers förlag. S. 26-33.
2017. Religioners kulturarv och politisk identitetsformatering i kristider. In: Göran Gunner och Maria Södling (ed.), Mellan himmel och jord: Svenska kyrkans kulturarv inför framtiden. Stockholm: Verbum Forlag. S. 167-186.
2017. Representations of Blessing Israel: A Study of Contemporary Christian Zionist Mindset in Sweden and Swedish-Speaking Finland. In: Niclas Blåder & Kristna Helgesson Kjellin (eds.), Mending the World?: Possibilities and obstacles for religion, church, and theology. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications. S. 147-162.
2016. Christian Pilgrimage to Sacred Places in the Holy Land: A Swedish Perspective. In: Maria Leppäkari & Kevin Griffin (eds.), Pilgrimage and Tourism to Holy Cities: Ideological and Management Perspectives. Wallingford: CABI Publishing. S. 43-58.
2015. Making the Unfathomable Known. In: Lars Hillås Lingius (ed.), In Times of Genocide 1915-2015: Report from a conference on the Armenian Genocide and Syriac Seyfo. Stockholm: Bilda. S. 65-70.
2015. Varför akademisk utbildning i mänskliga rättigheter och demokrati på en teologisk högskola?. In: Leif Ericsson (ed.), Att samtala fram en ny värld: Om konsten att förverkliga demokrati genom mänskliga rättigheter. Stockholm: Föreningen Ordfront. S. 55-62.
2014. Burning Issues. In: Carl-Henric Grenholm & Göran Gunner (eds.), Lutheran Identity and Political Theology. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications. S. 30-48.
2014. Christian zionism in comparative perspective: An introduction. In: Göran Gunner & Robert O. Smith (eds.), Comprehending Christian Zionism: Perspectives in Comparison. Minneapolis: Fortress Press. S. 1-14.
2013. Apocalyptic Speculations and the War of Armageddon. In: Kjell-Åke Nordquist (ed.), Gods and Arms: On Religion and Armed Conflict. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications. S. 33-48.
2011. Halal- och kosherslakt. In: Dan-Erik Andersson och Johan Modée (ed.), Mänskliga rättigheter och religion. Malmö: Liber. S. 215-227.
2011. Theological Developments in Europe vis-à-vis Palestine in the 20th Century: Major Trends in Scandinavia. In: Mitri Raheb (ed.), The Invention of History: A Century of Interplay between Theology and Politics in Palestine. Bethlehem: Diyar Publisher. S. 237-258.
2010. She keeps bothering me: human rights and suffering. In: Jonas Ideström (ed.), For the sake of the world: Swedish ecclesiology in dialogue with William T. Cavanaugh. Eugene, Or: Pickwick Publications. S. 86-105.
2009. The use of the concept minority: a protection or a burden in relation to international law. In: Kajsa Ahlstrand och Göran Gunner (ed.), Non-Muslims in Muslim majority societies: with focus on the Middle East and Pakistan. Eugene, Or.: Pickwick Publications. S. 28-39.
2008. Interfaith encounter in a multireligious society. In: Simone Sinn (ed.), Deepening faith, hope and love in relations with neighbors of other faiths. Geneva: Lutheran World Federation. S. 61-71.
2005. Keys for understanding the Christian Zionists' interpretation of the Bible. In: Naim Ateek, Cedar Duaybis & Maurine Tobin (eds.), Challenging Christian Zionism: theology, politics and the Israel-Palestine conflict. S. 76-85.
Gunner, Göran, 1992. Mission och vision i Orienten. In: Svensk Missionstidsskrift 80. 3. S. 73-74.
Introduction to the Bible and Religion, 15 credits
Introduction to the Bible and Religion, 15 credits
Introduction to the Bible and Religion, 15 credits
Introduction to the Bible and Religion, 15 credits
Missiology, 5 credits
Missiology, 5 credits
Missiology, 5 credits
Theology, Religion and Churches in Sweden, 15 credits
Mission Theology and Third World/South Theology , 7.5 credits
Theology, Religion and Churches in Sweden, 15 credits
Missiology, 5 credits
Theology, Religion and Churches in Sweden, 15 credits
Theology, Religion and Churches in Sweden, 15 credits
Missiology, 5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief , 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief , 7.5 credits
Current Issues in Human Rights and Democracy, 15 credits
International Humanitarian Law, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief , 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief, 7.5 credits
Current Issues in Human Rights and Democracy, 15 credits
International Humanitarian Law, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief , 7.5 credits
International Humanitarian Law, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion or Belief in a Global World, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief , 7.5 credits
International Humanitarian Law, 7.5 credits
Missiology, 5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief in a Global World, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief , 7.5 credits
International Humanitarian Law, 7.5 credits
Missiology, 5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief in a Global World, 7.5 credits
Christians of the Middle East, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief , 7.5 credits
Christians of the Middle East, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief in a Global World, 7.5 credits
International Humanitarian Law, 7.5 credits
Missiology, 5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief , 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief, 7.5 credits
International Humanitarian Law, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief in a Global World, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief , 7.5 credits
International Humanitarian Law, HR and Central Africa, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief, 7.5 credits
International Humanitarian Law, HR and Palestine, 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief , 7.5 credits
Freedom of Religion and Belief , 7.5 credits