Professor in Religion, Art and Democracy
Publications (pdf)
Lectures and Conferences (pdf)
Exhibitions and Art Projects (pdf)
Davor Džalto graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. He received his Ph.D. from the Faculty of Philosophy, Albert-Ludwigs Universität in Freiburg (i. Br.). His post-doctoral research he conducted at the Faculty of Theology, Westfälische-Wilhelms Universität in Münster.
His research focuses primarily on the exploration of human freedom and creativity, as metaphysical, political, as well as aesthetic concepts.
Over his academic career he has taught at numerous European and American universities, in the fields of religious and peace studies, theology, art history and theory, aesthetics, and critical theory.
As a practicing artist, he works primarily in the medium of painting.
Džalto, Davor, 2024. (Post) istina (post) demokratije. Belgrade
Džalto, Davor, 2023. Schöpfung und Nichts: Orthodoxe Theologie und moderne Kunst im Dialog. Sankt Ottilien: EOS Verlag.
Džalto, Davor, 2022. Beyond Capitalist Dystopia: Reclaiming Freedom and Democracy in the Age of Global Crises. Abingdon: Routledge.
Džalto, Davor, 2021. Anarchy and the Kingdom of God: From Eschatology to Orthodox Political Theology and Back. New York: Fordham University Press.
Edited Books
Džalto, Davor, 2024. Orthodoxy and Anarchism: Contemporary Perspectives. Lanham: Fortress Academic.
Džalto, Davor, 2024. Orthodoxy and Anarchism: Contemporary Perspectives. Lanham: Lexington Books.
Džalto, Davor, 2023. Beogradski nadbiskup: Dvadeset godina arhipastirske službe nadbiskupa Stanislava Hočevara – dokumenti i svedočanstva. Novi Sad / Belgrade: The Institute for the Study of Culture and Christianity.
Džalto, Davor, Demacopoulos, George E., 2022. Orthodoxy and fundamentalism: contemporary perspectives. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books / Fortress Academic.
Džalto, Davor, Markovic, Danijela, 2020. Savremena čitanja Velikog inkvizitora. Belgrade: Vulkan.
Džalto, Davor, 2019. Religion and Art: Rethinking Aesthetic and Auratic Experiences in 'Post-Secular' Times. Basel: MDPI.
Džalto, Davor, 2018. Yugoslavia: Peace, War, and Dissolution. Oakland: PM Press.
Džalto, Davor, 2019. Orthodoxes Christentum und zeitgenössische Kunst. Zurich S. 8-10.
Džalto, Davor, 2017. “Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Art: An (Un)Natural Alliance?”. In: Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 1-2. 69. S. 333-356.
Book Chapters
2024. Anarchy and Hierarchy: The (Non-Oppressive) Holy and the Question of ‘Spiritual Aristocracy’. In: Davor Džalto (ed.), Orthodoxy and Anarchism: Contemporary Perspectives. Lanham: Lexington Books. S. 113-132.
2024. Iconophobia and Iconophilia. In: John Barton (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2024. The Forest Paths of Orthodoxy and Orthodox Theology in Serbia. In: Nikolaos Asproulis & Natallia Vasilevich (eds.), The State of Theological Education in Central and East European Universities: Challenges and Prospects in View of Secularization and Globalization. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 245-263.
2022. ‘Democratic Jet Leg’ and EUgoslav YUtopias. In: Stipe Odak & Zoran Grozdanov (eds.), Balkan Contextual Theology: An Introduction. London: Routledge. S. 119-138.
2022. How to Be the Right Kind of ‘Fundamentalist’. In: Davor Džalto & George E. Demacopoulos (eds.), Orthodoxy and Fundamentalism: Contemporary Perspectives. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington/Fortress Academic. S. 51-68.
2022. “Orthodoxy is the Clue to the Solution”: Fundamentalism in the Ideology and Practice of Orthodox Political Movements in Contemporary Russia. In: Davor Džalto & George E. Demacopoulos (eds.), Orthodoxy and Fundamentalism: Contemporary Perspectives. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington/Fortress Academic. S. 51-68.
2022. Sex, Love, and Politics: An (Un)Orthodox. In: Thomas Arentzen, Ashley M. Purpura & Aristotle Papanikolaou (eds.), Orthodox Tradition and Human Sexuality. New York: Fordham University Press. S. 281-302.
2021. Embodying the (Symbolist) Modern: From Wandering and Passionate Bodies to Severed Heads. In: Igor Borozan (ed.), The European Framework of Serbian Symbolism. Novi Sad-Belgrade: The Institute of Art History of the University of Belgrade. S. 100-129.
2021. Quo Vadis Europa?: On Christianity, Hospitality, and the Refugee Crisis. In: Milan Dordevic & Markus Leimbach (eds.), “Kommt und Seht”: Die Gastfreundschaft als Grundvoraussetzung des interreligiösen Dialogs. Bonn: Kaad E.V.. S. 83-94.
2020. “What Is Wrong with the ‘Left’ and the ‘Right’? An Orthodox Christian Perspective”. In: Alexei Bodrov & Stephen M. Garrett (eds.), Theology and the Political: Theo-Political Reflections on Contemporary Politics in Ecumenical Conversatio. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 163-184.
2019. Freedom and Nothingness, between Theodicy and Anthropodicy: Lacan and (Un)Orthodox Perspectives. In: Philopp Valentini & Mahdi Tourage (eds.), Esoteric Lacan. London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. S. 183-198.
2019. Что не так с ‘левым’ и ‘правыми’?: Точка зрения православного христианина. In: Aleksei Bodrov & Mikhail Tolstoluženko (eds.), Политическое богословие. Moscow S. 280-304.
2017. “Orthodox Christian Political Theology: An Anarchist Perspective”. In: Kristina Stoeckl et al. (ed.), Political Theologies in Orthodox Christianity. London: Bloomsbury Academic. S. 111-133.
Conference Contributions
Džalto, Davor, 2024. Mysticism of darkness and light: Artificial light as mediation for the sacred in the early churches. L’Eterno nel Tempo, Arte e Architettura Cristiane tra Oriente e Occidente - Di luce e di stupore.Venerdì 11 OTTOBRE Sala Congressi Resort I Basiliani, Otranto.
Džalto, Davor, 2024. Theology as a Critical Discourse. Bridging the Divide: Processes of Healing Wounded Memories In Former Yugoslavia,29. May - 01. June 2024,Trebinje (Bosnien-Herzegowina..
Džalto, Davor, 2022. A Plea for (Orthodox) Anarchism. The international conference “Ideological Turn in Theology: The Impact of Globalization on the Talk of God,” at the Goethe University Frankfurt on the 9th-11th of June, 2022..
Džalto, Davor, 2022. Apophatic and Emancipatory Dimensions of Humor: The Case of Orthodox Christianity. The international conference “Religion and Humor” organised by the Department of Eastern Christian Studies, University College Stockholm, Sankt Ignatios College in Södertälje on the 17th-19th February 2022..
Džalto, Davor, 2022. From Icon to Big Data: Imaging Being Human. Conference "To Be Human: New Approach to Life and Education in Times of Crisis" organized by St John's School in Tallinn in collaboration with Arvo Pärt Centre at the Arvo Pärt Centre, Laulasmaa on the 21 of October 2022..
Džalto, Davor, 2019. The Aesthetic Face of the Sacred. In: Special Issue "Religion and Art: Rethinking Aesthetic and Auratic Experiences in 'Post-Secular' Times"
Džalto, Davor, 2024. Balkan Union’ and ‘Balkanoexit’.
Džalto, Davor, 2024. Can There Be a Non-Colonial US/EU Foreign Policy?.
Džalto, Davor, 2024. New Totalitarian is the ‘New Normal’.
Džalto, Davor, 2024. Pod nadstrešnicom.
Džalto, Davor, 2024. Theology as a Critical Discourse.
Džalto, Davor, 2024. There Is No ‘Eco-Friendly’ Capitalism.
Džalto, Davor, 2024. Vox Studentium – Vox Dei: politika i teologija protesta.
Džalto, Davor, 2023. Iconography and Iconology. Oxford University Press.
Džalto, Davor, 2022. Demokratija i nove forme totalitarizma.
Džalto, Davor, 2022. Icons: Being, Beauty and Art.
Džalto, Davor, 2022. Sweden in NATO? The Future of East-West Relations After the War in Ukraine” discussion with Noam Chomsky.
Džalto, Davor, 2019. Icons: the Orthodox Understanding of Images and the Influence on Western Art. Mainz
Džalto, Davor, 2014. The Human Work of Art: A Theological Appraisal of Creativity and the Death of the Artist,. New York: SVS Press.
Icons: Art and Theology, 30 credits
Master’s Program in Religion, Politics and Democracy (60 ECTS credits), 60 credits
Master Program in Religion, Politics, and Democracy, Distance Education, 120 credits
Theology of Icons, 7.5 credits
Theology of Icons, 7.5 credits
Master Program in Religion, Politics, and Democracy, Distance Education, 120 credits
Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion, Politics and Democracy, Distance Education, 7,5 credits
Religion and Politics: From Pax Romana to Pax Christiana, Distance Education, 7.5 credits
Christian Art, East and West (I), 7.5 credits
Political Theologies in Orthodox Christianity, Distance Education, 7.5 credits
Master Program in Religion, Politics, and Democracy, Distance Education, 120 credits
Christian Art, East and West (I), 7.5 credits
Religion and Politics: From Pax Christiana to Pax Americana, 7.5 credits
Christian Art, East and West (II), 7.5 credits
Iconology, 7.5 credits
Religion and Politics: From Pax Christiana to Pax Americana, 7.5 credits
Christian Art, East and West (II), 7.5 credits
Religion and Politics: From Pax Christiana to Pax Americana, 7.5 credits
Christian Art, East and West (II), 7.5 credits
Public Ecclesiology, 7.5 credits
History of Eastern Christianity: The Church after the Soviet Union and the Arab Spring, 7.5 credits
History of Eastern Christianity: The Church after the Soviet Union and the Arab Spring, 7.5 credits