Carl Johan Berglund
Docent, Director of Studies, Part-Time Lecturer, Pastor, Pastoral program coordinator
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2020. Origen’s References to Heracleon: A Quotation-Analytical Study of the Earliest Known Commentary on the Gospel of John. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2019. Origen’s References to Heracleon: A Quotation-Analytical Study of the Earliest Known Commentary on the Gospel of John. Uppsala: Department of Theology.
Edited Books
Berglund, Carl Johan, Crostini, Barbara, et al., 2022. Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
Berglund, Carl Johan, Gustafsson, Daniel, 2015. Ad fontes: Festskrift till Olof Andrén på 100-årsdagen. Skellefteå: Artos & Norma.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2024. Jesus’s Puzzling Retort to the Royal Official (John 4:48) in Isodiegetic Perspective. In: Novum Testamentum 66. 2. S. 193-209.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2024. Mimetic Mediators in Mark: How Graeco-Roman Biographies Use Secondary Characters to Offer Multiple Patterns of Imitation. In: Journal for the Study of the New Testament 46. 4. S. 464-488.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2024. The Ascetic Subculture of the Acts of Thomas and His Wonderworking Skin. In: Vigiliae christianae (Print) 78. 1. S. 8-31.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2024. The Innovation of a Master Wonder-worker in the Character of Simon Peter. In: Approaching Religion 14. 1. S. 99-114.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2024. Thekla från Ikonion: Fornkyrkans bortglömda förebild. In: Hybrid 2. S. 1-25.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2024. Three Reasons to Die in Origen’s Exhortation to Martyrdom. In: Patristica Nordica Annuaria 38. S. 59-78.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2023. Att möta vilddjuren i egna kläder: Kultur, status och värdighet på arenan i Karthago. In: Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift 99. 3. S. 215-228.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. Paul’s Rhetorical Efforts to Establish Good Will in First Thessalonians. In: Journal for the Study of the New Testament 44. 4. S. 539-560.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2021. References to Heracleon in Clement of Alexandria. In: Early Christianity (EC) 12. 2. S. 228-247.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2019. Heracleon and the Seven Categories of Exegetical Opponents in Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John. In: Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum 23. 2. S. 228-251.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2019. Literary Criticism in Early Christianity: How Heracleon and Valentinus Use One Passage to Interpret Another. In: Journal of early Christian studies (Print) 27. 1. S. 27-53.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2017. Den utblottade är den mäktige. In: Sändaren 4.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2017. Origen’s Vacillating Stances Toward his "Valentinian" Colleague Heracleon. In: Vigiliae christianae (Print) 71. 5. S. 541-569.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2016. Understanding Origen: The Genre(s) of the Gospels in Light of Ancient Greek Philology and Modern Genre Theory. In: Scrinium 12. 1. S. 181-214.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2011. Heliga trefaldighets dag eller missionsdagen, den 19 juni. In: Tro och liv 2.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2011. Tre ledtrådar till Gamla testamentet. In: Sändaren
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2011. Trettonde söndagen efter trefaldighet, den 18 september. In: Tro och liv
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2010. Åttonde söndagen efter trefaldighet, den 25 juli. In: Tro och liv 3.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2010. Den helige Johannes döparens dag, den 27 juni. In: Tro och liv 2.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2010. Söndagen före domssöndagen, den 14 november. In: Tro och liv 4.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2010. Tredje söndagen i advent, den 12 december. In: Tro och liv 5.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2007. Bibelns samlevnadsideal. In: Frisinnad tidskrift
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2007. Bibelns samlevnadsideal: Går det att härleda äktenskapet ur Bibeln?. In: Tro och liv 3–4. S. 4-24.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2007. En framgångsrik missionsförsamling. In: Sändaren 16.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2007. Går det att härleda äktenskapet ur Bibeln?. In: Svensk kyrkotidning 103. 47. S. 592-596.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2004. Ett samspelt lag spelar bäst. In: Sändaren 18. S. 29.
Book Chapters
2024. Philip, Acts of. In: Constance M. Furey et al (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
2024. The Jews in Clement of Alexandria. In: Matthijs den Dulk & Joshua Schwartz & Peter J. Tomson & Joseph Verheyden (eds.), Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries: Mapping the Second Century. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 96-126.
2022. Liturgies as Plot Devices in Apocryphal Acts. In: Carl Johan Berglund & Barbara Crostini & James A. Kelhoffer (eds.), Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 201-224.
2022. The Sychar Story as a Standard Conversion Narrative in Heracleon’s Hypomnēmata. In: Athanasios Despotis & Hermut Löhr (eds.), Religious and Philosophical Conversion in the Ancient Mediterranean Traditions. Leiden: Brill. S. 427-449.
2021. Discipleship Ideals in the Acts of Philip. In: Tobias Nicklas, Janet Spittler & Jan N. Bremmer (eds.), The Apostles Peter, Paul, John, Thomas and Philip with their Companions in Late Antiquity. Leuven: Peeters Publishers. S. 314-332.
2021. Miracles, Determination, and Loyalty: The Concept of Conversion in the Acts of John. In: Robert Matthew Calhoun, James A. Kelhoffer & Clare K. Rothschild (eds.), Celebrating Arthur Darby Nock: Choice, Change, and Conversion. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. S. 213-234.
2021. The Exegetical Methodology of Heracleon’s hypomnēmata. In: Joseph Verheyden & Tobias Nicklas (eds.), Early Christian Commentators of the New Testament: Essays on Their Aims, Methods and Strategies. Leuven: Peeters Publishers. S. 1-29.
2021. Öppna vyer i 200-talets kristna akademi: Origenes attityd gentemot grekisk filosofi och kristna apokryfer. In: Thomas Kazen & Susanne Wigorts Yngvesson (eds.), Öppna vyer – lång sikt: Festskrift till Owe Kennerberg. Stockholm: Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm. S. 175-186.
2020. The Genre(s) of the Gospels: Expectations from the Second Century. In: Robert Matthew Calhoun, David P. Moessner & Tobias Nicklas (eds.), Modern and Ancient Literary Criticism of the Gospels: Continuing the Debate on Gospel Genre(s). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. S. 113-144.
2019. Discerning Quotations from Heracleon in Origen’s Commentary on the Gospel of John. In: Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony et al (ed.), Origeniana Duodecima. Leuven: Peeters Publishers. S. 489-503.
2019. How ’Valentinian’ Was Heracleon’s Reading of the Healing of the Son of a Royal Official?. In: Mikael Tellbe & Tommy Wasserman (eds.), Healing and Exorcism in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. S. 219-239.
2018. Interpreting Readers: The Role of Greco-Roman Education in Early Interpretation of New Testament Writings. In: Scriptural Interpretation at the Interface between Education and Religion. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. S. 204-247.
2017. Evaluating Quotations in Ancient Greek Literature: The Case of Heracleon’s hypomnēmata. In: Joseph Verheyden, Tobias Nicklas & Elisabeth Hernitscheck (eds.), Shadowy Characters and Fragmentary Evidence: The Search for Early Christian Groups and Movements. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. S. 201-231.
2015. Origenes exegetiska metodik i Om bönen. In: Carl Johan Berglund & Daniel Gustafsson (eds.), Ad fontes: Festskrift till Olof Andrén på 100-årsdagen. Skellefteå: Artos & Norma.
Conference Contributions
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2024. Presumptions about Voluntary Poverty in the Acts of Paul and Thecla. The Challenge of Poverty: Theological Responses in Early Christian Literature and Global Christian History,Conference, 29-31 May, Åbo, Finland.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2024. Recycled Gospel stories in the Acts of Philip. SBL Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, November 23-26, 2024.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2024. Reimagining Gospel Stories with Apostolic Protagonists: The Apostle Philip vs. the People of Nikatera. Reimagining Gospel Literature, Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, 6th of March in Berkeley.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2023. Mimetic Mediators: How the Markan Disciples Facilitate Emulating Jesus. EABS Annual Meeting, 10-13 July in Syracuse, Italy.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2023. Perpetua's Dignity on the Arena of Carthage. Second International Conference on Early Christian Literature, Late Antique and Byzantine Hagiography: ”Imitationes Christi and Women Martyrs”, Universitat de València 5–7 September.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2023. Peter’s Thaumaturgic Development from Observer to Performer. EABS Annual Meeting, 10-13 July in Syracuse, Italy.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2023. The Innovation of a Master Wonderworker in the Character of Simon Peter. ”Religion: Memory and Innovation” in Turku, Finland, 12-13 June 2023.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2023. The Sinful Nation: Isa 1:2–17 in Anti-Jewish Early Christian Interpretation. The Book of Isaiah between Judeo-Christian Borderlines, Åbo Akademi, 5 maj 2023.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. Apocryphal Acts among Greek Biographies and Paradoxographies: A Question of Genre. SBL, Denver, November 19-22.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. Att möta vilddjuren i egna kläder: Mänsklig värdighet på arenan i Karthago. De glada teologerna, teologhelg på Sigtunastiftelsen.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. Between Biography and Paradoxography: Unveiling the Genre of the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles. NAPS(The North American Patristics Society), Chicago, USA, 26-28 May.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. Biographical Mimesis in the Gospel of Mark. Nordic New Testament Conference, Kristiansand 10-14 juni, 2022.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. Elijah as an Archetype for the Apostles according to the Apocryphal Acts. Depictions of the Prophet Elijah in Jewish and Christian Contexts: Literary and Visual Sources, The Newman Seminar in Late Ancient and Byzantine Cultures, Zoom on the 8th of June 2022, at 13–18 pm.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. Flesh-Eaters, Cave-Dwellers, and Eagles: Paradoxography in Acts Phil. 3. Sixth International Conference on the Ancient Novel: The Ancient Novel: Roads Less Travelled, Ghent, Belgium, 21-24 Sept. 2022.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. The Ascetic Subculture of the Acts of Thomas and His Wonderworking Skin. SBL, Denver, Nov 19-22.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. The Deaths of the Apostles in the Apocryphal Acts. European Association of Biblical Studies, Toulouse 4-7 July 2022.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. The Philosopher’s Death in Origen’s Exhortation to Martyrdom. Origeniana Tertia Decima, WWU Münster 15 to 19 August 2022.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. The Selection of Paradoxographical Material in Apocryphal Acts. European Association of Biblical Studies Annual Meeting, Toulouse 4-7 July 2022.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2021. Between Biography and Paradoxography: Unveiling the Genre of the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles. EABS(European Association of Biblical Studies), Wuppertal,Germany, August 2–5.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2021. Den okända Pauluslärjungen Tekla – en förebild (inte bara) för kvinnor. De glada teologerna, teologhelg på Sigtunastiftelsen.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2021. Discipleship Ideals from Mark to the Acts of Thomas and His Wonderworking Skin. EABS, Wuppertal, August 2–5.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2021. Liturgies as Plot Devices in Apocryphal Acts. Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity at the Newman Institute, October 21–22.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2021. Thecla, the Ideal Christian: Discipleship Ideals from the Second Century to the Fourth. First International Conference on Early Christian Literature, Late Antique and Byzantine Hagiography: “Literary Connections between the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles and the Saints’ Lives – Portraits of Holy Wo(men)” (Valencia 1–3 September).
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2019. Discipleship Ideals in the Acts of Philip. The Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles in Late Antiquity: Tradition and Innovation” in Regensburg, Germany 28-30 November 2019.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2019. Discipleship Ideals in the Apocryphal Acts: A Radical Departure from the Gospels?. Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) Annual Meeting in San Diego, California 11/23/2019 to 11/26/2019.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2019. Rhetorical Capital and the Primary Purpose of First Thessalonians. Tyndale Fellowship Conference in Cambridge, UK.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2019. The Genre(s) of the Gospels: Three Views from the Second Century. Swedish–Norwegian Research School, Stavanger, Norway.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2024. Review of Jeremiah Coogan, Eusebius the Evangelist: Rewriting the Fourfold Gospel in Late Antiquity (New York: Oxford University Press, 2022). In: Journal of early Christian studies (Print) 32. 3. S. 467-469.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2024. Review of Margaret H. Williams, Early Classical Authors on Jesus, The Reception of Jesus in the First Three Centuries 7 (London: T&T Clark, 2023). In: The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 75. 4. S. 771-773.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2023. Review of Alexander Kocar, Heavenly Stories: Tiered Salvation in the New Testament and Ancient Christianity (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021). In: Journal of early Christian studies (Print) 1. S. 109-110.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2023. Review of Nathan L. Shedd, A Dangerous Parting: The Beheading of John the Baptist in Early Christian Memory (Baylor, 2021). In: The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 74. 2. S. 401-402.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. Recension av Ezra JaeKyung Cho, The Rhetorical Approach to 1 Thessalonians: In Light of Ancient Funeral Oration (Eugene: Pickwick, 2020). In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 87. S. 352-356.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. Recension av Helen K. Bond, The First Biography of Jesus: Genre and Meaning in Mark’s Gospel (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2020). In: Patristica Nordica Annuaria 37. S. 99-102.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. Recension av Jeffrey M. Tripp, Direct Internal Quotation in the Gospel of John, WUNT II 493 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019). In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 87. S. 416-419.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2021. Recension av Review of David Satran, In the Image of Origen: Eros, Virtue, and Constraint in the Early Christian Academy, Transformation of the Classical Heritage 58 (Oakland: University of California Press, 2018). In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok S. 204-207.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2020. Review of Matthew D. C. Larsen, Gospels Before the Book (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018). In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 85. 1. S. 259-262.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2018. Review of John R. L. Moxon, Peter’s Halakhic Nightmare: The “Animal” Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective. WUNT II/432. (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2017). In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 83. S. 278-281.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2017. Review of Christoph Markschies, Christian Theology and Its Institutions in the Early Roman Empire: Prolegomena to a History of Early Christian Theology.. In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 82. S. 282-285.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2016. Review of Ken Parry (ed.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Patristics. Wiley Blackwell Companions to Religion Series. (Chichester: Wiley 2015). In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 81. S. 264-265.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2015. Review of Lorne R. Zelyck, John among the Other Gospels: The Reception of the Fourth Gospel in the Extra-Canonical Gospels. WUNT II 347. (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2013). In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 80. S. 269-271.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2015. Review of Peter W. Martens, Origen and Scripture: The Contours of the Exegetical Life. Oxford Early Christian Studies. (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012). In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 80. S. 245-247.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2014. Review of vanThanh Nguyen, Peter and Cornelius: A Story of Conversion and Mission. ASM Monograph Series 15. (Eugene: Pickwick 2012). In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 79. S. 190-191.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2013. Recension av Patricia Walthers, The Assumed Authorial Unity of Luke and Acts: A Reassessment of the Evidence. SNTSMS 145. (Cambridge: Univ. 2010). In: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 78. S. 272-274.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2022. Nationssymbolerna bär vittne om vilka vi varit. S. 20.
Berglund, Carl Johan, 2018. Människovärdet avskaffar man inte hur som helst. S. 18-19.
The Gospels and the Letters of Paul, Eastern Christian Linguistic Version, 7,5 credits
Introduction to the Bible and Religion, 15 credits
The Gospels and the Letters of Paul, Eastern Christian Non-linguistic Version, 10 credits
The Gospels and the Letters of Paul, Eastern Christian Linguistic Version, 10 credits
Introduction to the Bible and Religion, 15 credits
Gospels and Letters, 15 credits
The Gospels and the Letters of Paul, Eastern Christian Linguistic Version, 10 credits
The Gospels and the Letters of Paul, Eastern Christian Non-linguistic Version, 10 credits
The Gospels and the Letters of Paul, Eastern Christian Linguistic Version, 10 credits
The Gospels and the Letters of Paul, Eastern Christian Non-linguistic Version, 10 credits