Publication database for student theses and research publications
As of 2017, DiVA (Digital Archive) at University College Stockholm is Stockholm’s publication database, where material produced by the university’s researchers, teachers and students is registered. DiVA offers a public entrance to the university’s research publications and degree projects. Much of the material in DiVA is available in full text. Works published in DiVA are automatically searchable in SwePub (national database of Swedish research publications), Uppsök, Uppsatser.se and Google / Google Scholar. DiVA is managed and developed by Uppsala University together with (currently) almost 50 affiliated organizations.
The library at EHS administers and is responsible for DiVA locally. According to a decision from the board, everything that is published at University College Stockholm must be registered in DiVA. Researchers, teachers and students register their material by themselves in DiVA, with the support of the university’s administration and library.
Detailed instructions on how to register research publications in DiVA are available here.
Registration in DiVA for students and researchers
Students will find a manual for registration in Diva on their course websites in Canvas.
Quickref for Researchers – Register and Publish in DiVA
DiVA Portal (common search function)
UCS Student Theses
Department of Human Rights & Democracy (title list)
Department of Religious Studies & Theology (title list)
Department of Eastern Christian Studies (title list)
Search among all student theses in DiVA (UCS publication database)