
Church and urban life. Ecclesiology, ethnography and sociology of religion

Archer, Kevin, 2013. The City: The Basics. London: Routledge. S. 1–103. (102 s)

Cameron, Helen & Deborah Bhatti et al, 2010. Talking About God in Practice. Theological Action, Research and Practical Theology. London: SCM Press. S. 49–60 (11 s.)

Helgesson Kjellin, Kristina, 2016. En bra plats att vara på: en antropologisk studie av mångfaldsarbete och identitetsskapande inom Svenska kyrkan. Skellefteå: Artos. (267 s)

Holmberg, Andreas, 2019. Kyrka i nytt landskap. En studie av levd ecklesiologi i Svenska kyrkan. Skellefteå: Artos. Kap 1-6 (240 s.)

Ideström, Jonas, 2009. Lokal kyrklig identitet. En studie av implicit ecklesiologi med exemplet Svenska kyrkan i Flemingsberg. Biblioteca Theologiae Practicae 85. Skellefteå: Artos. s. 35-74, 205-244. (105 s.)

Ideström, Jonas och Kaufman, Tone Stangeland (red), 2018. What Really Matters. Scandinavian Perspectives on Ecclesiology and Ethnography. Eugene, Or: Wipf and Stock Publ. (292 s)

Kaijer, Lars och Öhlander, Magnus (red), 2011, 2 uppl. Etnologiskt fältarbete. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (150 s.)

Tillkommer artiklar och annat material som väljs i samråd med kurslärare (ca 50 s.)

Literature last revised on September 29, 2022.

The schedule is available at the latest one month before the course starts. We do not recommend that you print the schedule as some changes may happen.

Open the Schedule

Tone Stangeland Kaufman

Visiting professor

Course Coordinator

Jonas Ideström

Head of Department of Religious Studies and Theology, Professor, Priest


A = Excellent, B = Very good, C = Good, D = Satisfactory, E = Sufficient, Fx = Insufficient, F = Insufficient

Examination Format

  • Papers
  • Seminars

Kurser i teologi/religionsvetenskap, 120 hp, varav minst 15 hp praktisk teologi på fördjupningsnivå. Dessutom kunskaper i svenska och engelska motsvarande kraven för grundläggande behörighet.

  • Completion of a course requires a minimum of 80% attendance at lectures and 100% attendance at seminars/group work and other assignments. Absence beyond that can be compensated by supplementing assignment(s) if the instructor finds it possible. In case of an absence of 50% or more, the course is considered as interrupted, even if assignments have been completed.
  • Students have the opportunity to take the exam according to the original course syllabus within two years after the course. If there are special reasons, such a re-examination can also take place later. Normally, teaching is not given according to an older syllabus. The possibility of exemption shall be decided by the president or vice president.
  • If a student due to disability has a decision from the EHS on special pedagogical support, the examiner shall, if necessary, adapt the examination and conduct the examination in an alternative way.

Established by Subject Representative College at Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm on November 15, 2017.