Christian Art, East and West (II)
This course explores the developments in visual arts used in eastern and western Christian traditions from the fall of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire until the present time. Students will learn about how traditional Eastern/Byzantine iconography influenced western art and how the developments in the West in the post-Renaissance period influenced both the style and iconography of icons used in the Orthodox Church. Special attention will be paid to the developments in the twentieth century and the relationships between modern/avant-garde art and Orthodox icon painting.
All students will be required to read the following texts (or selected chapters):
Džalto, Davor (2019). “Icons: the Orthodox Understanding of Images and the Influence on Western Art” European History Online. (15 p.)
Gatrall, Jefferson J., Greenfield Douglas (2010). Alter Icons: The Russian Icon and Modernity. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press. (250 p.)
Honour, Hugh, Fleming, John (2018). A World History of Art. London: Laurence King (200 p.)
Spira, Andrew (2008). The Avant-Garde Icon: Russian Avant-Garde Art and The Icon Painting Tradition. Burlington: Lund Humphries. (213 p.)
Williamson, Beth (2004). Christian Art: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press (130 p.)
Additional texts/handouts may be assigned.
The schedule is available at the latest one month before the course starts. We do not recommend that you print the schedule as some changes may happen.

A = Excellent, B = Very good, C = Good, D = Satisfactory, E = Sufficient, Fx = Insufficient, F = InsufficientExamination Format
- Papers
- Seminars
- Take-home examination
Grundläggande behörighet.
Completion of a course requires a minimum of 80% attendance at lectures and 100% attendance at seminars/group work and other assignments. Absence beyond that can be compensated by supplementing assignment(s) if the instructor finds it possible. In case of an absence of 50% or more, the course is considered as interrupted, even if assignments have been completed.
If a student due to disability has a decision from the EHS on special pedagogical support, the examiner shall, if necessary, adapt the examination and conduct the examination in an alternative way.
Established by Subject Representative College at Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm on January 22, 2020.