Apocrypha and Apocalypse
Please note that this course has been cancelled.
During the Second Temple period, a large number of Jewish texts, representing a wide variety of genres, were produced in Hebrew as well as in Aramaic and Greek. These texts were never included in the emerging canon of the Hebrew Bible, although some received a place in the Greek Old Testament and a few made their way into other Christian traditions. The role of these apocryphal texts in early Judaism and Christianity alike is often underestimated. In this course, a selection of apocryphal texts is studied with special emphasis on their continuity and relationship with earlier and later Jewish and Christian Scripture. Their specific traits and theologies are analyzed and their influence on Jewish and Christian tradition is highlighted. Special emphasis is given to the apocalyptic genre, its mythological roots, and the beliefs and streams of thought it represents. Texts with apocalyptic features are analyzed with the help of cognitive metaphor theories and with philosophy of religion models for the use and function of mythopoetic language.
Collins, John J., 2016 [1984]. The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature. 3 uppl. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. (352 s)
Horsley, Richard A., 2012. The Prophet Jesus and the Renewal of Israel: Moving Beyond a Diversionary Debate. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. S. 1-64. (64 s)
Nickelsburg, George W. E., 2005. Jewish Literature Between the Bible and the Mishnah: A Historical and Literary Introduction. 2 uppl. Minneapolis: Fortress. (344 s) ) (Boken finns att köpa för nedladdning:
Primärtexter och artiklar (170 s).
Literature last revised on October 11, 2017.
A = Excellent, B = Very good, C = Good, D = Satisfactory, E = Sufficient, Fx = Insufficient, F = InsufficientExamination Format
- Papers
- Take-home examination
Grundläggande behörighet.
Kurser i teologi 60 hp, inklusive gammaltestamentlig eller nytestamentlig textkurs om minst 7,5 hp, eller motsvarande.
Vid Teologiska högskolan Stockholm tillämpas obligatorisk närvaro.
Established by Subject Representative College at Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm on December 15, 2015.
Last revised on February 22, 2017.