Bachelor's Program in Theology, Eastern Christian Studies
The Eastern Churches have taken on a greater significance in the lives of many, through their new importance and influence in a post-Communist Eastern Europe and their growing presence in Western Europe, mainly through large numbers of immigrants from traditionally Orthodox countries or regions. Understanding the Eastern Churches, their history, their beliefs and their organization and structures has never been more important. The BTh in Eastern Christian Studies provides a fascinating and timely introduction to one of the world’s largest and most significant Christian
Bachelor’s Program in Theology, Eastern Christian Studies has 5 study options available:
1. Full-time, 3 years, on-campus. Admission code: TEOK1
2. Part-time, on-campus: year 1&2 (50%), Full-time: year 3&4, on-campus. Admission code: TEOK2
3. Full-time, on-line: year 1, full-time on-campus: year 2&3, Admission code: TEOK3
4. Part-time, online: year 1 &2 (50%), Full-time, on-campus: year 3&4, Admission code: TEOK4
5. Full-time, 3 years, on-line, Admission code: TEOK5
Structure of this program
Full-time, 3 years, on-campus:
In the first-year students study a series of compulsory courses providing a rich balance of biblical, theological, historical and liturgical courses. During the following two years students study various subjects and write a thesis on a subject chosen in collaboration with their supervisor.
The course is studied in Campus Södertälje.
Admission code: TEOK1
You can find out more about the program here.

Michael Hjälm
Head of Department of Eastern Christian Studies, Doctor of Theology, Senior Lecturer
A = Excellent, B = Very good, C = Good, D = Satisfactory, E = Sufficient, Fx = Insufficient, F = InsufficientGrundläggande behörighet.
Established by Subject Representative College at Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm on November 17, 2020.