The Ecumenical Academy at University College Stockholm
To be launched in 2025
The Ecumenical Academy at University College Stockholm is a forum for theological reflection on ecumenism. Ecumenics is a small but growing field of Theology in Sweden today. The Ecumenical Academy at UCS aims at supporting the development of the field through conversation, reflection, and analysis. The activities of the Ecumenical Academy include seminaries, courses, and conferences. These provide the opportunity to meet and talk with people who have an experience of working, making research, or being actively engaged in the field of ecumenism.
The Ecumenical Academy is a forum for students, teachers, researchers, and everyone who wishes to participate in in-depth conversations about ecumenism in Sweden and the worldwide church. In our gatherings, we get acquainted with the ecumenical movement at home and internationally, reflect together on different themes of ecumenical theology, and discuss the possibilities and challenges of ecumenical dialogue.
Our meetings are either digital or take place at the UCS campus in Bromma, Stockholm.
The Ecumenical Academy will be launched in the beginning of the Ecumenical Year of 2025. The programme is being published and continuously updated on this webpage.
The Ecumenical Academy is administered by the Subject Collegium of Church History with Mission Studies and Ecumenics together with Practical Theology and Behavioural Sciences at UCS.
In order to receive information on the activities of the Ecumenical Academy, you are welcome to sign up on our e-mail list. Please write to
Upcoming events:
The Ecumenical Summer Academy 2025