Tannaz Horri Farahani
Tell us about the report and why did you choose to write about this subject?
The importance of education for Afghan children in Iran made us curious to discover more about their situation as refugees and the host community policy.
Did you work in team or independently?
In team (five group members)
How was it to work in a team environment?
It was good, but whit some challenges.
What was challenging in the process of writing the report?
Getting access to first-hand sources in related governmental organizations in Iran.
What skills and experiences from previous courses in human rights where helpful during your work with the report?
Reading and writing many pages and analyzing different notions and ideas in the Human rights field.
What skills an experiences from this course could help you in the future?
Gathering, analyzing, and extracting different information to write a human rights report, which is totally different from an academic research paper.