Amanda Lennartsson Olsson
Tell us about the report and why did you choose to write about this subject?
The report highlights the ongoing struggle on freedom of association, by giving some new insight into civil and political rights. The report also stress the ongoing human rights violation that has been reported of NGO.
I re-registered late to this course therefore I did not participate from the start when the group choose either subject nor country in the previous course.
Did you work in team or independently?
I worked in team.
How was it to work in a team environment?
In the team I worked in there was a bit challenging when one of the other group member didn’t answer or participate in the meetings for several times.
What was challenging in the process of writing the report?
One of the challenges in the process of writing the report was that we all had different points of views, and ideas on how to approach the subject.
Finally when it came to end the project we had to try to manage to finish it with one man short.
What skills and experiences from previous courses in human rights where helpful during your work with the report?
I have learned a lot by using the different tools presented in the courses International law and human rights and Methods in human rights, for example tools on how to interpret international law. But overall, all the knowledge I have got from previous courses has been a great help.
What skills an experiences from this course could help you in the future?
During this course I have received larger knowledge and experiences about planing and implementation of a project. During this group project, I have learned how to solve and manage problems and setbacks to receive the end result that was expected.